Chapter 7: A Mistake Was Made

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Just asking in advance what branch do you want to collaborate with next? Also which generation do I have time to think on a background?

(Y/n): Yesterday was crazy.

Stretching plenty of pops can be heard from his back as he also lets out a loud yawn.

(Y/n): Why is my back hurting so much? I don't remember doing anything that would cause it.

He looks around a realizes something.

(Y/n): I'm sleeping on a couch. Also, why is it so sticky? I think the best option is to get out of here. Who knows what kind of person lives here. They could be so kind of creep. Oh, what if I have a yandere fan and they kidnaped me while I was asleep.

Calli: Morning.

(Y/n): It's the yandere!

Calli: Don't yell first thing in the morning because my ears are still sensitive.

(Y/n): Oh my bad. Why am I still here? Also, why is your couch sticky?

Calli: We ended stream late so I said you could stay and leave in the morning. I also don't own the couch so whoever had it before did something.

(Y/n): And how come I don't remember deciding to stay?

Calli: I guess you were just that tired. Your head just slammed into my desk after the stream ended.

(Y/n): Well then I'll trust what you're telling is the truth. I need to leave and get back to my place. See you later.

Calli: Bye. Hey, wait!

(Y/n): What?

Calli: You still have one of my cushions stuck to your butt.

(Y/n): You're going to have to pull it off. I'm sure it's stuck on there pretty good.

Calli: Just stand still while I pull.

Trying to pull off the cushion ended up being much more of a challenge than the two thought. They had to try different angles. Even with a spatula, it didn't come off or with her putting a leg on his back and trying to pull.

Calli: There's only one solution left.

(Y/n): I just leave the cushion on my butt.

Calli: Nope. I cut your pants from the back to get my cushion. This couch is a rental and paying for something going missing costs an arm and leg.

(Y/n): You just want to see my butt.

Calli: No you b-baka.

Taking off his pants her throws them at her which covers her face.

(Y/n): Keep them if you want. Now excuse me I still have places to be.

Calli: You can't just leave without wearing pants.

(Y/n): Well I'm not walking back. Just teleporting so everything's good. Unless something happens to mess up my spell but the chances of that are one out of a million. So have fun with my pants I guess.

Teleporting out of there without his pants he finds himself not in his room but outside in a hall somewhere in the building.

(Y/n): This isn't even the hallway near my room what went wrong?

Footsteps can be heard approaching his location at a quick pace.

(Y/n): I don't remember being this short but I least I have shorts on. Do I still have my mask on?

Finding a single door that just seemed to be waxed he notices something.

(Y/n): I'm suddenly a hobbit! Well could be worse I could have looked like a teenager going through puberty.

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