Chapter 1: One Door Closes Another Opens

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Zeon: Just letting you all know in advance I don't know much about Hololive JP but I'll try my best at including them.

Somewhere in the world, there is a prison that has even more security than the ones that protect the leaders of nations. This prison houses the world's worst criminals some are so dangerous that they are in solitary confinement for their entire life. One such criminal goes by the name of (Y/n) (L/n) who was sentenced here for many different things. The list is so long that it caused a paper shortage in the country he was arrested in. He's been put into a straight jacket ever since he first arrived and has gotten even more insane over the years due to no social interaction.

(Y/n): Hey mister mouse you like jazz?

Mouse: Squeak!

(Y/n): 🎶Jeepers creepers, where'd ya get those peepers? Jeepers creepers, where'd ya get those eyes? 🎶

Mouse: Squeak!

(Y/n): Tough crowd I have here tonight.

Mouse: Squeak!

(Y/n): Tell me have you heard the tragedy of Darth plagueis the wise?

Mouse: Squeak!

(Y/n): I see so she is demanding that you support the family even if she's not doing anything. Why not just ask for a divorce?

Mouse: Squeak!

(Y/n): There is no such thing as divorce in the animal kingdom. I wonder if Neko and other life forms like that follow the same rule.

Mouse: Squeak!

(Y/n): You have a cousin that's a Neko. What are you waiting for hook me up with her already? It's lonely and there's no here since I'm not allowed near electronics.

Mouse: Squeak!

(Y/n): What she's already married. Well, I don't mind if she wants a little more excitement involving me so let her know I said that.

Mouse: Squeak!

(Y/n): Well if she has kids then she's a milf and that makes it even better.

Mouse: Squeak!

(Y/n): What do you mean you don't want a part in helping a homewrecker. It will be fun to watch I promise you that. You get to watch how clueless her kids and husband are as to why she comes here.

Mouse: Squeak!

(Y/n): Fine you win but can you at least smuggle a laptop here. I want to start a podcast called Insanity For Humanity.

Mouse: Squeak!

(Y/n): You'll see what you can do. That's better than a know I look forward to your answer.

Mouse: Squeak!

(Y/n): Yeah you stay safe too don't know how much longer I'll be alive here.

Mouse: Squeak!

(Y/n): You care about me. That's almost enough to bring a tear to my eye. If I wasn't dehydrated that is.

Mouse: Squeak!

(Y/n): Alright bye and good luck with your family. 🎶 I'm so lonely, this place doesn't feel homely. I watched another guy suck off his homie 🎶

(Y/n): A wise man once said loners have massive boners and if her age is on the clock she can't give that wap.

Guard: Shut up! Your the most annoying prisoner I've ever guarded!

(Y/n): Well your the most boring guard I've had guarding me. At least the others talked to me.

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