Thirty One

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//Mature Contend Ahead//

"You need to actually fucking stay here this time," Draco declared, fixing the collars of his sleeve followed by smoothing out his hair. "I'm serious. Don't try to leave because your mad. Don't go exploring the different apartments or some shit. Just—just don't be stupid. Right now isn't the time for you to be stubborn, okay? If he sees you, he will kill you." He didn't put his words nicely. "I can have Poppy bring you a sandwich in case the meeting extends to long. I'll take you home once it's over—if that's want you need. Do you understand?"

Pressing my lips together to keep them from quavering, I nodded. The tone in his voice was just as demanding as it was when I first met him—and I didn't question that—but his reasons were much more valid for his dominancy this time around. Now that he was informing me on why I had to stay, I wasn't going to debate with him and there was no way in hell I was going downstairs with Voldemort in the Manor.

The fact that the most dangerous dark wizard in the world was only a flight of stairs down had sweat forming on my brow and had my nerves flooding with anxiety. I always knew there would be war, but I never thought I'd be a few doors down from him so casually without a fight. I also never thought I'd fall in love with a Deatheater, so I probably should trust my judgement.

Draco strides to the mirror, checking his reflection for any blemishes or imperfections or anything that would be considered a flaw to attract his Lords attention. He exhaled a loose breath and picked off one single strand of my dark hair off his bicep. He tore his gaze from himself and sniffled through his nose, walking over to his door.

His head rested on the doorknob before he turned back around to face me, sighing heavily and eyes averting to the wall behind me. "I'm so sorry, Rosalie. I never meant for—" he shook his head at himself, expression smoothing out as he reconnected his eyes with mine. "I'll be back."

He twisted the doorknob, opening it just wide enough to give access to his body and block me from vision, as if he were afraid Voldemort would be standing just on the other side, waiting for him. We both stared at each other like nothing else mattered, each of us wanting the other to speak first.

When he straightened his spine and rolled his shoulder back, sticking a foot out the door, my heart skipped a beat. Even though every part of my brain that was telling me to let him go, even though I was ticked right off after he lied to me, even though just a few minutes ago I was gathering myself together, preparing to leave him—I needed to make sure he'd be careful.

It was my heart that spoke when I called after him, saying, "Draco?"

He halted in the doorway, studying me with his silver orbs that appeared somewhat comforted by my word. He paused briefly, "Yeah?"

"Be safe." I requested, knowing there wasn't anything else I could ask of him.

His lips twitched and I almost sensed the relief as it tore through him. Draco opened his mouth to reply, but instead, he closed it and nodded in a weak agreement. I watched him fade from view as he closed the door, twisting the doorknob before it latched into place to ensure it didn't make a clicking sound. I heard his loud sigh from the other side of the door and watched as the shadows of his feet moved away from the light that creeped through the bottom.

Sighing a breath I never knew I held, I walked across his room to the memorable bookshelf I found the last time I was here. The three books I picked up the last time were the only ones dust free. Feeling bored and alone and scared, my compulsive obsessive part of my brain took all the novels from their position, placed them on the floor to begin wiping the dust off the shelves.

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