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//Mature Content Ahead//


I stumble out of the broom closet and feel my knees buckle, hitting the stone cold floor.

My vision is blurred and my bottom lip is trembling as the salty tears escape my eyes. Each time I squint, I attempt to make out who had just pulled Mathias off of me. The one thing I do know; is that it is not Malfoy. Whenever I'm with him, I sense his icy presence from wherever he stand in the room, but this man, this is no Draco. My vision slowly begins to focus as the tears fall down my cheeks and drip onto the floor. Everything gets put into place when I see an angry looking Blaise straddling Mathias while repeatedly colliding his fist with his face.

As much as I am frightened, to say the least, I reckon that if I don't stop him this instant, Blaise just might end up killing him.

"Blaise, stop!" I shout, pulling myself off the floor and rushing over to the both of them. "If you don't stop now, you're going to kill him!" I scream and clasp my hand over my mouth. "Blaise!" I let out a loud sob before Blaise throws one last punch at him.

I pull Blaise off of him with every bit of strength I have left in me. Mathias gets up to his feet with a proud smirk on his face, nearly making the bile rise completely out of my throat.

"Thanks, love." He smiles, taking a few steps closer to my direction.

Completely frightened, I swing my arm back and slap him across his already bleeding and bruised face. The amount of force put behind this slap was beyond anything I'd have ever imangied myself to do.

"Do not touch me, you sick freak!" I scream so loud, it echos through the corridors and the both of them cover there ears. "Go to Madame Pomfrey before I hurt you more myself!" I point at his chest.

Blaise then grabs him by the collar of his half way buttoned down shirt and pulls him so close to his face, if you were just strolling past, you might think they would kiss. "If you touch her again, I will not hesitate to kill you this time!" Blaise spits directly into his eyes, pushing Mathias backwards by his shoulders and I notice blood spritz out of his nose.

He stumbles around before getting a hold of himself and rushing to the hospital wing. I let out a final breath and let more tears fall out of my red, puffy eyes. Blaise walks over to me with his arms slightly widened, which only forces me to assume he would like to pull me into a hug. There is no way in hell I am letting any guy touch me so soon after what just occurred. No matter how much I trust Blaise, which I do, I trust him with every bit of my heart, it's too soon. Just as he approaches me, I take a few small steps backwards while looking directly at the floor.

I notice his head jerk to the side and his eyebrows snap together. "I-Im . . . s-sorry. I-I don't — I can't," I let out the most heart wrenching sobs while not being able to form a complete sentence. "Not a-after-" I wrap my arms around my chest, hugging myself much too tight for my liking.

"-Don't you dare apologize, Rosie. Nobody expected that to happen and I want — no, I need you to take your time to rebuild yourself," He sounds the most sincere I've heard heard him. It's odd hearing Blaise's words come out of his mouth, only because he normally surrounds himself with beaming laughter. "If anyone is sorry, it's me. I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner to stop that disgusting pig."


That was what Malfoy used to call me.

It pains me to hear Blaise call a disgusting human being a pig after being called one myself. Do I seriously stoop down as low as Mathias? Am I really that loathing? Did I deserve this?

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