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//Mature Content Ahead//


"What the fuck were you thinking?!"

My first instinct is feeling myself furrow my eyes brows at the blond boy, who is uncomfortably pacing the room. On top of that, my vision is completely blurred and I try to squint my eyes to see what he is thinking. I keep blinking rapidly, squeezing my eyes tightly shut before opening them all the way wide. I open my mouth to speak, but swallow the words before they can escape.

Frankly, I do not comprehend anything about the reason for his intentional actions towards Mathias. I mean, he kissed me without my permission, but why should that be any of Malfoys concern? I want to ask him why he attacked Mathias, but I decide against it because I know that he'll just reply with a sour remark once I begin to question him.

Suddenly, a random laugh escapes my lips and Malfoys head shoots up from the floor, burning his eyes into mine. Somehow, the fact the he is this upset is scary, but at the same time, hilarious.

"What's so goddamn funny?" He demands.

I hadn't even realized that he was close to me until I feel his hands begin shaking my shoulders. Due to the amount of alcohol in my system, I don't back away or tell him to keep his hands off of me.

"I don't know," I laugh, but clasp a hand over my mouth before I can embarrass myself again. "I'm just . . . very, very confused," I widen my eyes and do not remove my hand from my mouth. With Malfoy looming in front of me, it looks as though I'm the worst possible person in the world to him. And before I can stop myself, I open my mouth and ask a random question. "Why don't you like me?" I sigh, narrowing my eyes at him. "Am I really that disgusting to you that you won't let your friends touch me or even be near me? Is that why you want me to stay away from Mathias?" Malfoys angry expression changes into uncertainty and he lets out a laugh, making my mouth fall open in complete humiliation. "You know what, never mind." I say, attempting to push past him, but his tall body blocks the door.

"It's not that I don't like you, Wilson," He spits out and for a fraction of a second, I thought he was going to actually say something nice. "It's that I hate you," I take a few steps backwards. "And the reason for me shoving Witts off of you, was because you were clearly trying to get him to back off."

"If you hate me so much, then why do you care if he kissed me?" I slur through my words.

"I didn't want his hands all over a filthy Mudblood like you."

My jaw falls onto the floor. "Why the actual fuck do you have to be such a condescending asshole?!" I ask, without actually letting him answer. "Yes, I may be a Half-Blood, which by the way, is not technically a Mudblood. And yes, I may be too disgusting for your liking, but that does not give you the right to make me feel like garbage!" I shout, pointing my finger back and forth between us. "The audacity you have to treat me like that, someone who actually tries to make an effort towards your disturbing attitude, is revolting!" I yell and reach for the door handle. The Firewhiskey had made me brave, but now it enhances the sadness of this entire situation.

"You're a fucking retard." He breaths out.

My hand falls from the doorknob and I turn back to slap him in the face. But before my palm can collide with his cheek, he grabs my wrist and shove my back against the door, pinning me in place with his knee. That's when the tears come.

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