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//Mature Content Ahead//


"Wakey-wakey!" I hear a voice interrupt my slumber. I open my eyes, seeing that the train had finally come to a stop. I feel the cold glass of the window pressure against my cheek creating fog from my breathing. I sit up from my comfortable position, wiping the drool off my chin. I take my hands to my eyes, rubbing them to be able to see clearly again. I re-open my eyes, and see Finleigh staring at me with a cheeky smile. "Up you get. We're here." She stands up from her seat and puts her hand out for me to grab.

I reach for her hand and stand up in the compartment. I feel my body press up against hers when I here a knock at the door. I turn my head to the opening, revealing a hansom, dark brunette headed boy with beautiful brown eyes and darker skin. His eyes drift from Finleighs to mine, and his smirk enhances.

"Don't even think about it, Zabini!" She snaps, noticing the look he was giving me. "Rosie, this is Blaise Zabini, he's a jackass but I love him." She laughs, as she likes past him and out of the compartment.

"Nice to meet you, Blaise." I smile, reaching my hand out for his.

He returns the smile, and his hand makes contact with mine. I feel myself slightly blush at the connection, considering I've rarely even spoken to he makes gender.

"The pleasure is all mine." He teases, and takes a sarcastic bow before me.

When we step out of the train, I instantly see a huge, rambling, quite intimidating looking castle, with multiples of towers and battlements. I gasp at the beauty of Hogwarts when I feel Finleigh nudge my arm forwards. Compared to Beauxbatons, I find Hogwarts a million times more breath taking.

After tearing my gaze away from the castle, I see a huge, extremely hairy man chanting something to some of the smaller students.

"First 'ears this way!" He shouts, waving his hand towards him.

I feel Finleigh tug at my jacket, I turn towards her and see her gesturing her head into the opposite direction. She sticks out her arm before she starts walking, and I assume she wants to link arms. I connect mine with hers, trying to hide to smile forming on my face. She then leads me down a narrow path way, followed by dozens of students with different coloured robes on, and I figure that they must represent the four different houses.

We make our way into a small gathering of trees when I see multiple carriages being pulled by nothing. She lets go of my arm and hops onto the first carriage. I follow behind, and when I sit down I notice that Blaise was behind us that whole time as well.

In a split second, the carriage starts moving up towards the castle. As we continue getting closer towards the school, it doesn't stop to amaze me at how beautiful the castle truly is.

After around five minutes, the carriages come to a stop and Blaise gestures me to get off first. I smile at him, and step onto the ground. I hear Finleighs feet hit the ground, and she connects her arm back with mine.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She whispers, and I nod whilst biting my lip.

When we reach the huge wooden oak doors, I hear a raspy voice call out my first and last name.

"Rosalie Wilson!" The women's voice calls out. I hesitate to follow the voice until Finleigh nudges me forwards. I walk towards the elderly women, nodding that she is wearing a long, black dress with a large witch hat placed on top of her head. "Welcome to Hogwarts, I am Professor McGonagall. You can follow me into the Great Hall as we will be sorting you into your house before the first years." I nod back at her right before she turns around and marches through the doors.

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