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//Mature Content Ahead//


It was dark, yet I could still see shimmering objects around me as I glanced around the room and took in my surroundings. The centre of the room revealed non-still water with ruffles and a wooden boat floating on top. It took a few seconds to register that I am in the boathouse right next to the Black lake. I continued walking, the shack appeared to be completely empty, until I saw a man and a serpent. The snake slithered towards him, smoothly and stealthy, like a ninja.

"Kill . . ." A rough, distorted sounding whisper brook through the ruffles of the water that splashed against the boat.

Startled from the eerie voice that no longer made me feel safe, I twist myself around, seeing a hooded figure with skin as pale as snow and slits for nostrils. I couldn't make out who the hood was, but my heart pounded in my chest even harder.

Aggressively, the snake struck once, then twice, three times, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. The fangs plunged deep into the other mans flesh and I just screamed, though nothing actually happened. The man then falls to his arse and was backed against a window, groaning in pain.

With a crack, the snake and dark, hooded man had disappeared and the injured now lay silent. Walking towards him, I notice that same long, black greasy hair and his pale, raspy skin.

This was no ordinary man.

This was Snape.

My head suddenly hurt terribly, like needles were being dipped in Firewhiskey and getting injected into my brain. The vision slowly disintegrated into waving fog and the next thing I new, I felt a cold floor press against my back.

"Wilson — fuck, answer me!"

I opened my eyes, feeling as if every inch of my body covered in sweat. The pain had simply vanished. Draco was hovering over me, my head placed directly onto his lap. There was something about his lovely face that made me falter as he appeared extremely worried. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and frowned. "Say something."

I placed my hands by my sides, sat from his lap and still feeling slightly dizzy, I placed the bottom of my palms into both of my eyes. This time, the silence was painful and I couldn't work out what to do, so I just asked the question that he couldn't possibly know the answer to. "What is happening to me?"

He stands up behind me and I spin to face him, noticing a trail dark red liquid dripping down to his neck, the source being his ear. I hadn't screamed that loud, right? Its not possible to almost break ones eardrums solely after screaming in agony. Finally, he shook his head and spoke. "I have no fucking idea." He said while helping me up to my feet and looked at me in utter sorrow.

The amount of force it took for me to stabilize myself on my feet was much too high. My legs tremble underneath my weight as I look up at Draco, seeing that his eyes were already on me. His head sunk into his shoulders, and I wondered wether or not if he was uncomfortable. It didn't seem to be the correct to to ask, but his gaze stayed on mind and we stood in silence.

Randomly, he broke his longing contact that burned through me and abruptly walked towards his dresser. He pulls the top drawer open, and began scrummaging around for something with an unnecessary amount of force. I took in a deep breath, "What are you doing?"

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