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//Mature Content Ahead//Suicide attempt.


One week has passed since the incident with Mathias, and yet, my attitude towards it hasn't changed in the slightest. I've failed to eat, failed to sleep and I haven't gotten out of bed, nearly missing every single one of my classes. The only decent thing that came out of being alone, was avoiding Malfoy. I couldn't bare to see him after what he had done to Mathias. If I hadn't stepped in, he might have been dead. To this day, I still have no idea why he would have defended me. I mean, if I hated someone as much as he declares he hates me, I wouldn't have hurt their attacker.

To my dissatisfaction, the first class of October, Finleigh practically dragged me out of bed and forced me to go to classes that day. Luckily, Malfoy didn't end up going to classes, so I didn't have to see him. The second I was dismissed, I came straight back to the common room and just laid down on the cold floor. That's normally how I spend most of my time now, either that or I read. I finished my novel Pride and Prejudice, and recently just started reading Little Women. That's how I feel. Little.

It wasn't until a few days ago, Finleigh started to force feed me. Usually, the food would just end up in the toilet, but she doesn't need to know that. She's done so much for me and I feel terrible. It feels like I'm constantly picking my way into her life, eating her from the inside out. Finleigh keeps telling me that she doesn't mind, but we both know that's not true.

Yesterday, Professor McGonagall had told me that if I was going to continue failing to attend to my classes, she would have no other choice than to expel me. Honestly, I would love nothing more than to go back home and see my Mum and brother, but deep down I know that will never be possible. I'd miss it here to much. I'd miss my friends and the beauty that beholds inside the castle. I would miss everything.

Which is why I choose to get my pathetic ass out of bed today, and actually drag myself to each class. I'm dreading seeing Malfoy, but another good thing, is that Mathias was suspended and hasn't been attention school to us past week.

When I walk out of the dorm and into the common room, I hear a few gasps come from students and all eyes had locked onto me. I mean, I understand where they are coming from because I haven't been out of my dorm in a week, but I think everyone is being slightly dramatic. Shrugging to myself, I continue walking out of the common room.

The dungeons today feel colder than they used to. They actually managed to creat small goosebumps on my arms. I feel uncomfortable walking alone through the corridors, but I know I'll see Finleigh in the Great Hall, collecting breakfast for me.

Right on cue, I see her walking out of the entrance hall, holding a a piece of toast, wrapped in a small white tissue. Her jaw drops to the floor when she notices my presence.

"Rosie!" She shouts, running towards my direction and throwing the toast over her shoulder. She wraps her arms around me, forcing a small smile on my face. "I can't believe you're finally out of bed!" She exclaims, jumping up and down in my arms. "I'm so proud of you." She pulls away, wiping her watering eyes.

"I figured it was about time." I lie, knowing that if it wasn't for Mcgonagall telling me I was to be expelled, I wouldn't have gotten out of bed today, but Finleigh doesn't need to now that.

"Good, because you are far behind I'm classes, especially Defence Agaisnt the Dark Art," she rolls her eyes while linking arms with me. "The amount of homework Snape has been handing out is astronomical."

"I wouldn't expect anything different." I smile for the first time in forever.

Walking to Potions with Finleigh felt like a whole other world. It surprisingly feels good going for long walks to each class, though, it's still exhausting, mostly because the lack of nutrition. But that will not stop be from dragging myself to each class. When we walk into Potions, we both walk straight towards our table in the back of the class, ignoring the multiple gasps from students. That's when I remember that Malfoy sits at the table next to me, feeling my insides start to twist and turn.

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