- Chapter 15 -

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*Lillian's pov*


This is Lillian Stark, or as you know me, Kasumi. As I'm sure that you have heard by now, I have been captured by SHIELD. However, it is not me that they want. They want the Winter Soldier and are willing to make a deal with you. If you give up the Winter Soldier, then they will give me back to you. They know his location and are ready to make this trade. I also want to come back to my home. If you want to make this trade, then meet at this point in Sokovia in 12 hours. I will be accompanied by the Avengers, as they will take the Winter Soldier in my place.

Hail Hydra.

After I read to them the letter, Nick Fury walked into the lab.

"Nicely done. They will show up thanks to you." Fury says to me. I feel Tony's worried eyes fall onto me as Fury says this.

"Let's go over the plan." Steve says, getting the room's attention.

"We are going to show up right on the dot at the meeting point and will make the trade. Because of the tracker that we have implanted into your arm, we will be able to see your location at all times." Steve nods to me and continues with the plan. "Once we get Bucky to a safe place, Lillian is going to take down Hydra. All we have to do is wait for the dust to settle and find Lillian, then wait for her to wake up. Any questions?"

"How are you going to take down Hydra?" Tony asks me, concerned.

"Before I left, I put a bug into the brainwashing machine that I improved. They will want to brainwash me, so I will have to fix it. Once they leave me alone in the lab, I will put a bug into the Hydra system that will wipe out the whole thing, then I will hack into the Hydra network and put all of the self-destruct protocols into place for every Hydra location in the world. Then I die, and you all come to bring me back. Simple." I say with a blank face as they are all shocked.

"I never would have thought of that." Tony says, surprised.

"This is why I'm the smarter sibling." I say with smirk as the room tries not to laugh at my comment.

"Ok. I'll give you that one." Tony says, trying to hide his smirk.

"Suit up! You have a mission." Fury says before leaving the room.

"I don't have a suit." I say looking at Tony.

"Yes you do. It's in your room. Go try it on." Tony says as he leans back into his chair.

I leave the room with a shocked look as I head to my room to try on the suit.

*Tony's pov*

After she leaves the room, my face drops. This better not be the last time that I see her. I won't survive losing her a second time.

"She's going to be fine, Tony." Bruce says, reading me like a book.

"I know. I'm just worried about her." I say with a sigh.

"We aren't going to let anything happen to her." Steve says as he sees my face.

The others nod in agreement and then their attention goes to the door to the lab.

*Lillian's pov*

I get to my room and see a black and olive green suit on the bed. No way. He even remembered my favorite color. I try it on in the bathroom and it fits perfectly. I absolutely love it. I head out of my room and go to the lab. They all look at me as I come through the door way.

"How did you know what size?" I ask Tony.

"I took one of your outfits and used its measurements. Then I added your favorite color. Figured that I would keep it simple." I say with a smile on my face as she takes in what I said.

"Thank you. Now let's do this." I say and receive nods from the team. 

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