- Chapter 2 -

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*Lillian's pov*
What just happened? Where am I? How did I get here?

I wake up from the darkness to see a metal table and a one way mirror. How I know that it is a one way mirror, you don't need to know just yet. That is a story for another time. I go to get up, only to notice that I am tied to a metal chair. Cuffs around my wrists and ankles. Tight enough to not allow me to move an inch, but not loose enough to not leave a mark. My face is blank and devoid of emotion. Whatever they did to me has me thinking about how I have been lied to for years. I was taken when I was 12 years old. My parents had died four years prior and I was told that my older brother no longer wanted me, so these people came to take care of me. I was heartbroken after being told that Tony didn't want me anymore so I went with them. I didn't want to be a burden to him. They trained me to defend myself and I excelled at school. I made inventions and created experiments because I was told that I was helping people. They would brainwash me at night and I would have no recollection of it when I would wake up. I was being used. I was being lied to for 19 years.

I found out that they injected me with the super soldier serum. This was a while ago, so I stopped aging. Technically I am 31 years old, but I stopped aging at the age of 24. Apparently I am also a trained assassin and I have always been a genius, even at a young age. I hate my past and haven't even processed everything that I have done, let alone told anyone. No one but Hydra and I know my past. Anyone who reads Hydra's file on me would know it too, but that is locked up pretty tight. I would know, I'm the one that made it so that I could be the only one to get in, unless someone hacked it, but that's very unlikely.

I'm shaken from the terrible thoughts about my past by the door being opened and a weirdly dressed black man walking into the room, not that you could call it that. He has on an eye patch and is wearing all black with a black trench coat that almost hits the floor. He takes a seat in front of me and waits a moment before speaking.

"What's your name?" Is the first thing that he asks.

"Well this should be fun" I think to myself.

I wait a few moments and can tell that the second I say who I really am, that it would be trouble, so I say the name of the person that I hate most in this world.

"Kasumi" I say with no emotion.

This fazes him. He hides it pretty well, but I know that it does. Now that I am aware of both sides of me, they seem to be mixing into one complete person, instead of two. This means that my assassin skills are reading his reaction.

He waits a few moments before asking me for the second time, "What's your real name?"

What I say next is something that even I didn't expect.

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