- Chapter 14 -

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*Lillian's pov*

"I found him!" I say to the whole team. We are all in the lab working on finding Bucky's location. We have been doing this for a week and a half now. A week and a half ago I was offered a spot on the Avengers. That same day I denied, but said that I would help on this mission. The mission: find and rescue James Buchanan Barnes. Three days ago I had a nightmare and Tony woke me up. We haven't spoken about it since. I've been avoiding the team still. I can't get close to them. They don't know what I'm about to do on this mission. If they did, then they would try and stop me.

My plan is to find Bucky's location and trade myself for him. Hydra wants this, but they are going to be stubborn and want proof and shit. So, once I get to the base and they see that I was serious, I will ask to see Bucky and that he is released immediately. They want me. I know that. They will do this. After they release Bucky, they will send me straight to the lab and try to brainwash me, but it won't work until after I fix the machine.

The first thing that I did after I found out that I was brainwashed, was put a bug in the machine. It won't work until they make me fix it. First, I will earn their trust back which should only take a day. Second, I will fix the machine, but while they leave me alone in the lab myself, I will put a bug into the system that will wipe out the entire empire. Then, I will inject a serum that I made into my bloodstream that will start to remove the super soldier serum from my DNA. After that, I will set off all the self destructive protocols for every Hydra location. I don't plan on coming out of this alive, but the team doesn't need to know that yet. After I inject the serum, I will start to grow weak and won't die for 10 minutes. Yes, I will be basically torturing myself to death, but this is the only way.

The mission will be complete. The team gets Bucky back, and I will finally be free. Free of this life, of the pain that I have given and received, of the memories that I can never escape.

"Wait— really?" Tony asks, surprised and trying to be sarcastic.

"Where is he?" Steve questions as he starts to walk over to my work station.

My breath hitches as I look at him, "Sokovia base 3302."

"Well what now?" Bruce asks.

"Now I contact them and make a deal." I say as I look back to the screen and start to compose a letter in Russian. Natasha will be the only one to know the real translation, which is fine because she won't do anything that I can't handle.

"You know how to speak russian?" Natasha asks surprised. Before I can respond, Tony does for me.

"Well, I mean, she was in Hydra for 20 years." Tony says with a smirk.

"If SHIELD had access to my file then you would know what languages that I am fluent in." I say while I am still writing the letter.

"How many languages do you speak?" Clint asks from his corner of the room.

"From this world, 16 or so I think. I can also speak a few other worldly languages, like Asgardian." I say with a straight face as they all stare at me in shock.

"You can speak Asgardian?" Thor asks.

"Yes. And I'm done with the letter." I say as I turn in my chair to the rest of the room.

"What does the letter say?" Bruce asks. 

The Billionaire's Assassin Sister (discontinued) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن