- Chapter 7 -

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*Tony's pov*

I look at Fury and start to yell.

"Why did you do that? I was getting somewhere with her! She is my sister!" I yell at him.

The other Avengers start to file into the room. I know that they were all watching the conversation and heard everything.

"She is not the girl that you remember Tony." Natasha says with her signature even tone.
I shift my gaze over to her before I start to speak again.

"She is my sister! I am going to help her, with or without you all!" I say. Then I proceed to storm out of the bridge and to the lab.

Once I get to the lab, I pull up the security footage of Lillian's cell. I cannot sit down after that conversation, but I wish that I would have. My heart breaks as I see her crying silently. It reminds me of when I told her that our parents died. My legs almost give out on me, but I manage to stay standing. Even more tears stream down my face as I just blink at the screen. My little sister, the girl that I adopted, is silently crying by herself in a cell, like a criminal. I don't hear the team come in, but I know that they are all there when Bruce puts a hand on my shoulder to try to comfort me. I let my head fall as the tears stream down my face. I didn't care if they saw me cry anymore. This was my sister, and I was not going to let her get taken from me again.

*Lillian's pov*

I'm a monster is the only thought going through my head as I get flashbacks. I see all of their faces, all of the people that I have killed, murdered, for a terrorist organization. How can Tony still stand to look at me? How does he still care? How can I deserve to live? How can I, of all people, be loved?

It's been about an hour since I was put back into my cell. The tears have stopped falling, but I haven't moved since I sat down. My face is red and cold from crying, my eyes red and puffy. I put my hands over my face and take a moment to calm down. Once I gather myself, I stand up and walk over to the small 'bed' that I have. I don't mind it seeing as I don't sleep. I lay down in an attempt to get some sleep. I lay there awake for what seems like hours until someone comes to give me food. I was expecting an agent, but I got someone else instead.

"Hey Lillian." Tony says in a soft tone. I stay lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I hear him put the food tray down and sigh. He stands there, waiting for me to move, but I don't. He waits a few moments before speaking again.

"C'mon Lil, you've gotta eat. The agents say that you haven't touched your food for the past 3 days." He says trying to convince me. I still don't move. He waits a few more moments before doing something that I really didn't expect.

He opens the cell door, causing me to sit up, then stand as he enters the cell. He stops for a second as we make eye contact. I give him a confused look as he gently grabs my hand and takes me out of the cell. He walks me through the helicarrier, receiving looks from any agents that we pass by. We finally arrive at his lab where he sits me on a medical bed in the middle of the room. He doesn't say anything as he starts to check me out like he is a doctor. My eyes start to wander the room as he starts to work. Then I notice that the whole team is here and staring at me wondering what Tony is doing. Tony finally realizes the looks that he is getting from his teammates and stops what he is doing to explain what he is doing.

"She hasn't eaten or drank water in days so I am checking her out to make sure that she isn't dehydrated, even though I am pretty sure that she is." They continue to look confused as they exchange looks throughout the room.

"Why isn't she detained?" Natasha asks Tony as he continues to work.

"Because I trust her, that's why." Tony answers in a calm voice, not making eye contact with any of the team.

"Just because you trust her Stark, doesn't mean that she shouldn't be detained." Natasha shoots back in her even tone.

"She is my sister. She will not be in handcuffs or secured to a chair. I am checking her out because she hasn't been eating." Tony responds, still not making eye contact. There is silence for a few moments before Fury walks into the lab.

"What are you doing, Stark?" He asks in his deep and commanding tone.

"I am giving her a check up because she hasn't been eating. Do you have a problem with that?" Tony snaps, making eye contact with fury and the team after the words leave his mouth.

"Yes, I do!" Fury responds, "She should be detained."

"Well she is my sister, and if you want to detain her then you are going to have to detain me!" Tony responds with a serious tone.

"Fine, have it your way, but if she steps out of line by an inch, it will be the end for you both." Fury responds after a moment before leaving the room. We all sit there in silence as Tony checks me out. Then he speaks after a few moments before telling me what his conclusion is.

"You're dehydrated and have very little energy. You need to eat and I am going to put you on an IV drip so that you get more fluids." Tony says to me with a look of concern on his face. I just sit there and blink at him until he shifts the conversation.

"Bruce, can you get her started on an IV?" Tony asks Bruce, who nods in response before walking over to me to insert the IV.

"Jarvis?" Tony asks, I look confused thinking of our fathers butler.

"Yes sir?" The AI responds.

"Get an agent to bring a bacon cheeseburger and fries with only mayo and extra pickle on the burger." Tony says, receiving looks from the whole room. Jarvis responds and sends the message throughout the helicarrier.

"A bacon cheeseburger with mayo and extra pickle? Who is that for?" Steve asks from the other end of the room.

"It's for Lillian." Tony says plainly while looking at his sister.

"I'm surprised you remembered." I say with a surprised tone, but a blank face.

"How could I forget your favorite comfort food?" Tony says with a smile on his face while looking at his little sister.

"I'm going to wait for her to start eating before I insert the IV." Bruce says from beside me to Tony.

"Ok. It should be here in a minute." Tony says. His smile was wide.

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