- Chapter 1 -

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*narrator's pov*

Here she is. Lillian Irene Stark. A beautiful, new born, baby girl. Her life is full of promise and a future brighter than the stars in the night sky. She was born at the medical wing of her fathers facility in New York. She had gorgeous brown eyes and a smile that could light up a room. She was born at exactly 5:38 a.m. on July 26, 1980.

The first eight years of her life were full of laughter, crying, smiles, and teasing. Although her and her brother, Tony, rarely got along, they were always there for each other when they needed it most. When Tony would get upset about their father, Howard, and how when he was around, which wasn't often, he would constantly talk about Captain America, he would always go to Lillian to rant and talk. Tony hated Captain America because he always felt that his father was cold and cared more about Captain America and his work than about him and his sister. Lillian, or as Tony called her, Lil, was always understanding and would listen to Tony with her full attention.

Although Lillian is a Stark, her parents did not want her to be in the spotlight. Tony was in the spotlight for his contributions to technology and would have an occasional interview about his intellect. Tony, at such a young age, had an ego that would constantly grow. Lillian, however, was just as smart as Tony and would love to tinker and build new inventions with him. Lillian was very mature and had a very advanced mind, and she was very humble and kind hearted. She was not very close with her parents, and she was very much so an introvert. She loved to do multiple things like cook, bake, coloring, painting, making jewelry, learning combat moves, and many other creative things. She was a very fit little girl with a heart of gold and she had enough love to last many lifetimes.

This all changed when one evening her and Tony got into a disgreement about something stupid. They had been doing this alot lately seeing as their parents died a few years ago in 1991. Tony was 17 and Lillian was 8. A few years have passed since and Tony legally adopted Lillian to make sure that she would be taken care of. It had been a few years of constant arguments and fights. They were still close, but the relationship was tense. They were always there for each other though. Tony had just turned 21 and was still deeply affected by the death of his parents, but he was always strong for Lillian. She kept him at bay and off of the ledge. She was his world and he would do anything for her. She was his sister after all. Sadly, one night Lillian was taken away from Tony and he broke. She was only 12, but she was his whole world. He spent years looking for her, but then he found Pepper and told her what happened, she brought him back. She told him that Lillian would not have wanted Tony to throw away his life, but to live it and to help people. When he did this he was then kidnapped and became Iron Man. He never did receive closure about Lillian, and would constantly think about her and if she was alive or if she remembered him.

Lillian did remember him. She always thought about him and how much she missed her big brother, but she thought that he abandoned her. Though, she still loved him wholeheartedly. She would constantly sing the lullaby that he would sing to her after their parents died to get her to go to sleep. She could escape her kidnappers, but if she did then she would be constantly on the run from them. They did not treat her that badly, at least she thought, but she was used to punishment and torture. They were constant parts of her life at Hydra. She was a scientist at Hydra. She was told that she was making cures for diseases and such when she was working. She would create potions and inventions that she intended for good, but they were used for evil. They never allowed her to go outside and she never knew why, but she didn't question it. She was fed and taken care of, the simple life. She did what she loved and what she thought was right.

However, she soon knew that she was lied to almost all her life. She thought that Tony had left her, but instead she found out that she was taken. Hydra had trained her in combat and she knew how to kill. They had her under mind control. She thought that she was doing good and working in a lab all day then sleeping at night. This was not the case. They brainwashed her to believe these things so that she would be on their side and they could use her. She was actually an assassin, by the name of Kasumi, which means haze or mist. This was her criminal name because she never left a trace. She killed her target every time and never had any collateral damage. She never left a trace. Nothing but a "K" cut into the wrist of all her victims. The authorities never knew who she was, all they knew was that all her kills were hers because of the signature.

This put her on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s watch list because of how many kills she had and how untraceable she was. However, Hydra slipped up. One knight after she had killed a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent she went to a safe house instead of back to the Hydra base. Hydra did not want her at the base at the same time as the winter soldier because Lillian knew Bucky. This means that they could have unwanted effects on each other's mind control. Before Lillian killed the agent, her victim was able to slip a tracker into the pocket of her suit. This allowed S.H.I.E.L.D. to track her back to the safe house and bring her in.

Sorry for any grammar errors or misunderstandings in my writing. This is my first book ever and I am super excited to share it with all of you. I know that this is pretty long and I try to split chapters up as best as I can. I have written the first couple of chapters and they should be out soon if not already. This chapter is full of background information. There should be more action in the next couple of chapters. I will be changing the characters point of view many times, and sorry for any confusion that it might cause. Please do comment and vote!!! I love looking at comments!!! Thanks!!! Enjoy!!!

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