- Chapter 13 -

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AN: this chapter is a long one and there is a lot that happens. Just a warning. This chapter may be triggering to some, so read with caution.

*Lillian's pov*

It's been a week since Fury put me on the team. We have all been working to find Bucky. It's been countless hours of coffee and no sleep. Tony and I seem to be the ones that can stay up the longest, but we don't talk. He rarely speaks to me unless he needs something like for me to check something or hand him a tool. Other than that we have not talked about me or my decision and we just work in silence. The anniversary of the day that I was taken I didn't see Tony at all. I didn't talk to anyone and Tony must have told Pepper what that day was. I had met Pepper and I quite like her. She and Tony are perfect for eachother. She is very nice and keeps Tony in check which is nice. Tony started to go back to his normal self after a day or two. His sarcasm was something that could always make me laugh when I was younger. I missed it so much those 20 years. I laugh on the inside or show a small smirk, but that is the most emotion that I show to the team.

I have tried to keep my distance from the team. I don't need to be getting close to them because I will be gone after this mission. Even if they think that I will stay and not remove the serum after we get Bucky back, they are wrong. If I have to I will leave and go into hiding. I will not allow myself to hurt anymore people. Something that only I have seemed to consider, is that if someone gets my blood, then they can use it to replicate the serum in my DNA. They could create a clone of my strength, speed, heeling, and my immortality. That is bad. That could have unforeseeable consequences. So whether they like it or not, I will be removing the serum.

Tony pulls me from my thoughts when he speaks and stops working.

"I'm going to bed. Why don't you take a break and try to get some sleep, Lil." He says as he starts to empty his coffee cup.

"I'm good thanks. Sleep well." I respond without making eye contact as I continue to work. He stops what he is doing and looks at me worriedly.

"You have barely slept since you got here. I just got you to start eating two meals a day. Please take a break and sleep." Tony says with a pleading voice. I continue to work as I respond.

"I'm good. Go to bed. I'll be fine." I say still working and not making eye contact. Tony sighs and decides to give it a rest because he knows how stubborn I am. He walks out of the lab and leaves me to work.

After a few hours of working, I made some progress on the mission and got some more intel. I looked down at my watch and saw that it was 5 a.m. I decided to try and take a half an hour nap in hopes that I would not have a nightmare. The others shouldn't be awake for at least an hour so I went to my room and laid on the couch. I fell asleep after about 10 minutes.

*Tony's pov*

I could only sleep for 4 and a half hours before I woke up. I was too worried about Lillian to keep sleeping. I went to the lab, expecting her to be there working or asleep, but she wasn't there. It surprised me. I asked JARVIS where she was and he said that she was asleep in her room. I had a genuine smile on my face as I started walking there. My smile dropped when I saw Lillian on her bed. She was sweating and talking in her sleep.

"No! No, no, please! Take me, please!" My heart broke when I heard what she was saying. I rushed to her and woke her up as gently as I could.

"No! No! Please, no!" She woke up and started crying. She was breathing heavily and drenched in sweat.

"Hey, hey. It's ok. I'm here. You're ok." I say in as comforting of a voice that I can as I rub her back. After a few moments she got up and went to the bathroom without saying a word. She came out after washing her face and left the room. She didn't look at me or say a word. She just left.

*Lillian's pov*

I went to bed and immediately was taken into a nightmare.


I'm sitting in my cell with my back to the wall. I'm talking to Bucky on the other side of the wall in his cell. We were singing our song, but stopped when we heard guards coming. It wasn't the normal time that they would come so we both knew that they were here for both of us or one of us. They walked past my cell and to Bucky's. My face went pale, which I didn't know was possible because of how weak I was, when I saw Peirce walk by.

"Time to brainwash you permanently." Pierce says to Bucky as the guards start to unlock the cell door.

"No! Please! I will do anything! Please!" I say as I have tears in my eyes. Pierce looks at me and thinks about it for a moment.

"Fine. Take her!" Pierce says as the guards lock Bucky's door and walk to mine. As they take my weak body from my cell, Bucky starts to get upset and plead with Pierce.

"No! No! Take me! Take me, not her! Please! No! No! No!" Bucky says as the guards drag me past his cell.

I look at him and we make eye contact. I mouth to him, 'I love you' as I'm taken away. All I can hear are his screams as I'm dragged to a lab.

They made me improve the serum and put it into my bloodstream and make it merge with my DNA. Then they make me improve the brainwashing technology. I refused multiple times to do both, but every time that I did, they would beat me or torture me. After so many blows, I would give in and do what they asked.

I didn't see Bucky for months. After I completed the brainwashing technology they let me see him. He was brainwashed with the previous technology and didn't even know his own name. I saw him being dragged to his cell as he complied with Hydra's every word. I scream for him as I'm being dragged away.

"No! No, no, please! Take me, please!"

"No! No! Please, no!"

They then took me to the improved brainwashing technology and they created Kasumi.

I'm awakened by Tony as I am removed from the nightmare. I get up after a few moments and go to the bathroom. After washing my face and composing myself, I check my watch and leave the room to go to the lab and continue working. On my way I ask an agent to bring me my coffee, with two sugars and one cream, to the lab. When I left my room, I didn't even look at Tony. I plan to ignore the situation as long as possible. I don't want to talk to him about this. He doesn't need to know. If I let him in and let down my walls, then I won't be able to do what needs to be done.

As I work in the lab, my mind wanders back to the nightmare. That was the last time that I saw Bucky. It's been 2 years since then. I need to get him back. And I mean Bucky, not the Winter Soldier.

And I know just how to do it.

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