- Chapter 6 -

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*Lillian's pov*

I stayed quiet the rest of the conversation. They all kept talking, asking me questions. Some questions were about my past and were followed by long silences. Others were about if they could trust me or not.

When they were all done with their questions and comments, a loud silence fell upon the table for about 10 minutes. Then something that I wish never happened, happened.

"Everyone out. I need to talk to my little sister." Tony said to everyone, grabbing the room's attention. It hit me hard when he said that. It has been almost 20 years since he called me that.

Hesitantly, everyone stood up and left us in silence. I decided to be confident and look him in the eye. My face devoid of emotion as I blink at him. He just stares at me, looking me up and down. Then, after a few moments, he breaks the silence with a question that I didn't expect him to lead with.

"What happened to you?" He asks. Hurt showing strong in his tone. He continues after a few moments. "You were such a sweet, kind, loving little girl. You were so smart and would never stop smiling. God, I miss your smile. It would light up a room, it was so bright. And your big brown eyes, they were always full of love and joy." He pauses as tears start to show in his eyes. "Talk to me. I missed you so much. I love you, Lil." And with that a tear streams down his face. That breaks me.

"How?" I ask, some emotion coming through in my tone. He is taken aback by my question.

" 'How?' What?" He says confused.

"How could you love me?" I say as tears start to show in my eyes. "You have to have some idea of what I have done. I am a monster." I say slowly as a tear streams down my face, but my expression is as cold as ever. "I deserve to rot in a cell. Better yet, I should be killed for what I am." I want to get up and leave, but I am still bound to the chair. He is surprised by my response and the sudden emotion that I am now showing. He just sits there, blinking at me. Then he finally talks.

"Lil, —" he starts but I cut him off.

"Don't call me that!" I say with anger lacing my tone.

"Fine, Lillian. Why do you think that? No, I don't know what you have done or what your past
is, but I still love you! You are my sister and you always will be! I thought that I lost you! I thought that you were dead! I searched for you for years! It broke me when you were taken! I have missed you so much! How could you feel this way? You don't deserve to die or to rot in a cell! You deserve to live your life! I finally got you back!" Tears stain his face as he stands up and starts to walk towards me.

"Stop!" I say with anger. He stops in his place as I continue. "Don't come near me!"

This hurts him. He looks even more hurt as the tears start to fall down.

"Why not?" He asks in a shaky voice. I wait a few moments before responding.

"Because I am a monster." I say in a low tone, almost a whisper, but Tony still hears it.

"Lillian, you are not a monster! You are my little sister!" He says as he starts to walk towards me once more. His voice became soft and comforting, just like it was when I was little.

"Agents, take her back to her cell." Fury commands before Tony can reach me. I was roughly taken from my seat and walked back to my cell. My face back to its cold expression and my eyes red and full of tears. Once I get back into my cell, I sit in silence and stare at the wall for a few moments before I break. I start to silently cry as the tears stream down my face. I sat with my arms hugging my knees to my chest and my head tilted back as I let the tears fall down. I haven't cried since the day that Hydra told me that Tony didn't want me and that I was useless to him and the world.

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