- Chapter 5 -

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*Tony's pov*

Well, there's no going back now.

"When I was 8, my parents found out that my mom was pregnant. Nine months later, she gave birth to a baby girl on July 26, 1980. My little sister, Lillian Irene Stark, was kept a secret from the world because my parents didn't want her to grow up in the spotlight. About a year after my parents died, I adopted her so that she wouldn't be put into the foster system or anything. Four years after my parents died, she was taken in the middle of the night. I looked for her for years, before coming to the conclusion that I was never going to find her." Tears are welling in my eyes, but I refuse to cry in front of my teammates so I hold them in and continue. "That's why she said that I was the only one who could find out who she is and that she is mine. She's my sister." I leave them all speechless. They take a few moments to process all that information that I just gave them, before someone new breaks that silence.

"Well that would have been helpful information to share." Fury says from the corner of the room.

I just look down and avoid eye contact with everyone.

"She is a 100% match for the DNA of Lillian Irene Stark." Bruce says in a low tone. After a few tense moments someone speaks up.

"We should get her out of that cell." Steve says, breaking the tension in the room.

"How do you know that we can trust her? She has assassinated hundreds of people." Natasha adds trying to find that best solution.

"We will let her out of the cell and bring her here, but she will be restrained." Fury says, making the final decision.

*Lillian's pov*

As I look up at the security camera in my cell, the door opens and the agent puts the cuffs back on my wrists. I know what this means. This means that he figured it out. Now to make sure that they lock me away for the rest of my life.

After a long and confusing walk through what I believe to be the helicarrier, I end up in a big open room. There sits a table on the deck of the room, each chair being filled by a person of the team. In one chair sits Maria Hill, and next to her sits the man from the room 6 days ago. I have put together that he is Nick Fury. Thor, Natasha, Clint, Steve, Bruce and Tony all sit at the table. The one empty seat gets pulled out by an agent, and I am forced to sit in it. My face is cold and showing no emotion as the agent bounds me to the chair. I avoid eye contact with Tony, but look at everyone else. I decide to break the silence and speak up.

"So you figured it out?" I say, leaning back into the cold metal chair.

"How are you alive, Lil. I thought you were dead." Tony asks me, forcing me to make eye contact with him. My face is as cold as ever.

"That is something for me to know and for you to never find out." I respond coldly, making Tony look at me with a hurt expression.

"Come on, this isn't you Lil. You are the most kind hearted, courageous, smart, and brightest girl that I know. This isn't you!" Tony says with hurt in his voice.

My face stays cold, while on the inside I am screaming. "It's been almost 20 years. You don't know me anymore." I say with no emotion.

He looks at me with tears in his eyes and sadness written all over his face.

"What happened to you?" Tony asks after a few moments of silence.

It catches me by surprise, but I manage to keep my cold facade. I don't respond. I just sit there and blink at him.

"That is what I want to know." Fury says from the other side of the table. I shift my gaze over to him and respond the same way that I did earlier.

"That is for me to know and for you to never find out." I say making the room go silent.

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