Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Steven Alexander

Matt POV

It had started out as a normal day in the pack. We all lived in one house becasue we were a relativly small pack. My sister became Alpha female when she mated with my best friend. I was a little ticked when I found out that they were mates, but it was nothing that I could control. But still, I always had to be over protective because my sister and brother were the only ones that I had left. My parents died a couple of years ago, that's when Jacob and my sister took over as Alpha with me as beta. Now, we are about to go see if we can become allies with the Star pack. Them being the most powerful pack in the U.S and all. From what I hear their Alpha was just killed in a surprise attack while he and his mate were out running, I think their daughter is now Alpha.

"Matt, can you go over to the Star pack with Kyle tonight? Jacob and I have other plans, thanks bro!" I heard my sister shout to me from her room and then the door slam shut. I rolled my eyes knowing that they were going to be sleeping the whole night. The only thing that bugs me about my sister being Alpha is that even without her being able to control me, I would do whatever she asked me to anyway. I'm sucha a wuss, but I can't say no to my family.

"Well, better go change now." I muttered under my breathe. "Kyle go get ready, Sasha wants us to go over to the Star pack tonight!" I holler up the stairs and hear a muffled complaint from my baby brother. He hates going out and doing things that involve him leaving his room, he's such a nerd! I quickly jog down the hall and into my room, I change into jeans and a black shirt.

"Sasha! Jacob! We're leaving...." I trail off as I hear howling coming from the east. "Jacob get down here now!" I yell as I move to stand in front of  my brother. I quickly smell the air and recoil when the stench hits me. The only pack at that smells like death is the Demon Blood pack. They get their name from the fact that they are pure evil and kill anyone and everyone with no remorse at all. If you get in their way, you're as good as dead.

"Sasha! Jacob! We're under attack!" I try again and hear the sound of two sets of feet running down the stairs. "We need to gather the pack, I think their coming from the east but I can't be sure."

"Everyone, get down to the basement now!" I hear my sister shout to the entire pack. We obidiently went down to the one place that we could escape safely. You see our parents had been paranoid and had tunnels built staring from the basement. I guess they were thinking ahead. I look up as I hear a sniffle and see Clara. Clara is the orphan of  our pack, we all take care of her. But there is just something about her that I'm drawn to and have kind of taken on the fatherly role in her life.

"Matt, I'm scared!" she cries as I pick her up and rock her in my arms. Her parents had been taken a year ago and were found dead, so she doesn't really know how to react while all the other pups were safely tucked in their mother's arms.

"It's okay, Clara, I'll take care of you." I whisper to her and feel her relax at my cooing. Soon we hear noise up in the house and we all migrate to the tunnels. I turn to Rachel, one of the older women in our pack, and give the frightned girl to her. She takes her and runs ahead with the others as I and the other males take a protective stance at the entrance.

"Try and get to the Star pack, I'm sure they'll give us refuge and help. Matt help fend off the attack and make sure everyone gets out. Then get yourself out, understand?" I nodded and gave my family a hug. I shooed them off and heard howls as Sasha and Jacob led the pack out. I turned to the basement door to see it being knocked down.

"Now." I muttered to the others and we all changed at the same time. In about a minute we were fighting and losing, but we kept it up intil the Demon Blood's retreated. I knew this wasn't the end and that they were gong to go after the pack, so we turned down the tunnel, with me in the lead and made sure everyone had gotten out.

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