Chapter 34: The Games We Play

Start from the beginning

Lexa is still unsure what she thinks of these Skaikru's lack of real fear for her. Raven, Wells, even Finn – they don't have the dread of the Commander that people of the twelve clans are brought up to have, and they have not developed it. Perhaps it's seeing her and Clarke together, knowing she and Clarke are in a relationship. Maybe it's that in the beginning Lexa tried not to appear intimidating. Or it could be the large amount of time they've spent with her – normally only Gustus, Titus, the Natblidas and Anya (when she's nearby) spend any time with her that could be considered social. This is... new. Strange. Not necessarily bad, though.

"Chess is a game of strategy," Wells informs her loftily.

"Twister's a game of flexibility," Clarke counters. "Just as useful." There's a little pause where Clarke realises what she said, and everyone else realises what she said, and then Clarke goes bright red and says, "I mean, mental flexibility! Flexibility as a person!"

"I know what'll make this interesting," Raven says. She reaches into her pack and pulls out a waterskin. She shakes it triumphantly. "Monty gave me some moonshine. He's been fermenting it for weeks."

"Oh, that's a bad idea," Clarke says immediately. "We have to walk tomorrow, guys."

"What is moon shine?" Lexa asks curiously.

"Like fayowada," Clarke explains. "Except probably not nearly as nice."

"We can bet on the games and drink when we win," Raven says cheerfully.

"Isn't it normally when you lose?" Finn says.

"I have a limited amount of moonshine, babe ," Raven informs him. A second after she reflexively uses the term of endearment, her face puckers as if she has tasted something sour, but she forces it back into a cheerful expression. "So I'm going with winners drinking." She gives Finn a grin that seems unnatural, like she's playacting, and then looks at the moonshine with something that seems less like pleasure and more like desperation.

"Alcohol's toxic, guys," Wells says flatly. "And more importantly, no one's going to side with Finn when he's playing the Commander."

"Okay, firstly, ouch, man. Secondly, you drank in TonDC that one time," Finn points out. If he notices that his niron's smile is unhappy and strained, he gives no sign of it, teasing Wells with his usual oblivious good humour.

"I didn't know it was alcohol!"

"Oh come on. By the third cup, I'm pretty sure you'd figured it out."

Wells flushes slightly and Clarke laughs. He looks over at her and smiles. "Okay, fine," he caves. "But it can't be Finn versus L – versus Heda."

"You can call me Lexa," Lexa says softly, looking at Wells. She doesn't know why she extends this offer – the only ones who normally call her Lexa are Anya and Clarke. But actually, she does know why. She plays chess against this boy and he challenges her at it. She tells him to run and climb trees when he's exhausted to train him, and he does it without complaint. He does not like violence, but he is willing to accept it, and he is never disrespectful. He is not a visionary as Clarke is, not as smart or as brave in her prejudiced eyes, but he has loyalty and heart. She likes him. She even trusts him. It is unexpected. But then, Clarke has brought many unexpected things to her life.

His flush becomes darker as he looks at her. "Lexa, then," he says, and clears his throat. "We're pretty evenly matched. Maybe if we play each other -"

"Takes too long when you guys play," Raven counters.

Eventually, after Lexa elects to simply watch, they decide to form two teams, each member to take turns playing – without discussion with the teammate. As such, Finn (the worst) and Wells (the best), play Clarke and Raven (both reasonably skilled). It is amusing to watch Finn screw up manoeuvre after manoeuvre by Wells, until Wells lets out a deep sigh every time Finn moves a piece.

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