Chapter 25: Another Party, Another Suitor

Start from the beginning

I opened the door only to see Rishi standing out there.
"Woah!!! Today it seems you are all ready to get a groom for yourself." Giving him a big eye roll I turn around.

"You do realise you have dug your own grave and you might not be able to see whom I chose as my groom if things keep going on like this." I gave him a saccharine smile before looking at my reflection in the mirror once more before I grab my silver clutch to leave my room.

"Ahh...why so murderous Maira? Calm down you know I had best intentions at heart."

"Well, the road to hell is paved with good intentions... haven't you heard. So, keep your good intentions with yourself and spare me." With another look at him, I move downstairs to the room where the party is being held.

I reach at the bottom of the stairs to see many known faces floating around. Inhaling a deep breath a only said one thing to myself. "Let's get over with this."

I am congratulated by many people, some whom I knew, others whom I didn't know but they seemed to know me. I was just roaming around feeling so out of place but not having a choice of escape, I knew I have to endure it for some more time.

Parties always made me feel getting judged by others based on my appearance and so I never liked attending parties. Being a lawyer and working at a big law firm, attending parties and becoming social comes as a requirement and now I can proudly say that I know the knack of plastering a fake smile and responding to small conversations that people do.

I am not sitting on one of the tables in a secluded corner as my cheeks hurt from all the fake "Hi" and "Hellos". If someone really wants to talk to me, they can find me here. Not being super close to many people present here, I know I will be fine being alone here.

"Ahhh...there you are! I have been looking for you everywhere."

Seems like you made the assumption quite fast.

I turn around to see my dearest father making his way towards me.

"So, the guy I told you about is waiting for you upstairs on the terrace. I assume you would have wanted to meet him alone."

Well, thanks for deciding for me I guess?!

Instead of arguing I decide to silently get over with this.

"Cool... I will get going then."

"Umm... Maira, just please give this guy a chance, I have a feeling this person is the one for you. For my sake please take it easy on this one."

I exit the hall before I could question what he meant by Take it easy on this one. I only show mirror to douches who think the world revolves around them. I might intimidate strangers a bit but that comes from a place of protecting and guarding myself and my emotions.

I have seen how when people perceive you to be weak, they try taking advantage of it. I have seen men trying to manipulate women just because they believe that they can do so. I have always been worried about marriages because I feel somewhere men feel entitled to owning women and try objectifying their woman but they don't like getting claimed as some woman's. The misogynistic ways our society functions is reflected in each and every person irrespective of their gender, caste, or class and I cannot tolerate it in someone with whom I expect to spend my life with.

The conditions I have for getting married are just my way of assessing a person's outlook at things and if he is marrying me because of me or my family wealth. For me it is very important to have a person who does not depend on others to feed him but knows how to stand on his own legs and no matter how hard the situation is, knows to stand up against the wrong.

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