"Then come, bring her to the healer's tent."


A woman in her 30's with strict face came out the tent holding the milky white cream Flora did almost two weeks ago. Flora and Rosalinda was sitting outside impatiently waiting for the news.

"Who did this?" she had a strong voice.

"I-It was m-me." The woman made Flora nervous and scared. Her eyes looked like they could freeze the fire itself. The blindingly white dress whit a blue snake on it, wasn't helping neither.

Looking at the short girl she raised her brows in disbelief. "Really?"

"Y-Yes" she couldn't help but stutter the word out.

"Then come with me." She stepped aside holding the tent open for the frightened girl. Rosalinda nodded at with encourage.

The first thing that caught the girl of guard, were the several woman and children lying on narrow bed or mattresses, letting out painful noises. In the corner was a woman giving birth with the help of three other woman dressed in the same white as the woman walking in front her.

Opening another door, they stepped through a more quieter area, where there were only sleeping patients. At the end Flora's heart fluttered as she saw Louisa laying peacefully, her chest raising slightly by every inhalation.

"Is she alright?" she completely forgot who she was talking to, until the woman cleared her throat.

"Her fever went down thankfully." She suddenly offered her hand to shake. "By the way my name is Aisha, I am the chief healer here."

"F-Flora. Did I do something wrong?" she asked while gently shaking the other woman's hand.

"God, no... The cream you made, regenerated her skin twenty percent in two weeks."

"T-That's good right?" she was still uneasy why the woman had called her in.

"It's more than good, only professionals would know what ingredients to apply on such a serious wound, let alone to prepare it." She looked down her seriously. "How old are you Flora?"

"I-I am 15."

The woman's eyes widened slightly by hearing such an unimaginable number. "And still, you did it all by yourself...Where did you learn this?"

"I-I like reading... I was always interested in healing others." She lied without blinking.

"Good...You are in the perfect age to start studying more seriously. However, I would like to be your teacher. You have already proven to me that you have the basic knowledge and more to be the youngest doctor on this island." Flore freeze. Her being a doctor? She never thought about it. In her village only men could study. "What do you think about that?" Aisha was waiting for her answer.

"I-I would be honored."

"Perfect." The woman smiled, making her face change completely. She was beautiful.

"First lesson." She clapped her hands together in excitement. Holding the cream up, she asked the younger girl: "What did you put in this?"

"A-Aloe vera, lavender and chamomile with goat milk. They all calm and moistures the skin." The woman nodded in agreement.

"That's correct, but you left out something." Flora's eyes perked up by hearing this. She always knew everything.

The woman went to a cabinet and took out a pot with green leaves in it.

The courtesan (Lesbian story)(COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن