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"Where's your car?"

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"Where's your car?"

I don't know why I thought it'd be a good idea to ask her to grab food with me. Technically, I more so told her than asked.


You might be wondering, why are you hanging out with Serena if you hate her? I'm asking myself the same question over here.

"In the shop, Christian dropped me off." She answered, looking down at the ground.

I nodded and walked towards my car, glancing back to see if she was behind me. Once we got to it I heard Serena begin to laugh.

"I assume this is one of your many cars?"

I grinned taking the keys to my Audi A8 out of my pocket. "That's right." I opened the door for her to get in before walking over and sliding into the driver's seat. "This one just happens to be one of my favorites."

Serena looked at me and shook her head. "I'm not even going to bother asking how many cars you have."

"I'll get back to you with a definite answer eventually." My fingers tap against the wheel as I start to drive.

I thought Serena would try to argue about getting food but she didn't. If she did, I would have just said another thing to mess with her. It was kind of fun making her blush.

Luka thought it'd be a good idea for me to become friends with her which I said was a stupid idea. That would be the last thing I would ever do.

And so then my best friend yelled at me for a good hour until I picked up my phone to Serena about meeting up. To talk about work. Luka doesn't know that part so I'm planning on not telling him.

I hate her and she hates me. That's the way it's going to be. Not that I'm really complaining. People tried to get us to be friends but we all know how that turned out.

Never thought she would be in "one of my many cars" though.

"Chinese food alright?" I tried to keep my eyes on the road instead of looking at her.

"That's fine."

It was too silent so I put on some music. After that Serena started to look through my playlist. I watched her eyes widen as she scrolled.

"There's no way you have good music taste." I laugh at that and put the volume up.

"Of course, I have good music taste, what did you think I would listen to?"

"Something along the lines of country." She joked. I shuddered which made her smile.

She had a nice smile.

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