XXVII - sacred new beginnings

Start from the beginning

"Let's go to the hospital right now, hm?" Joe said, his eyes red. He was starting to cry too. Andrea was like a second mother to him and he hated to see Taylor in such pain.

He stood up first, extending his arms to Taylor, who reached out so he could pull her up. She fell into his arms again, sobbing into his shirt and staining it with tears.

Her fingernails dug into his back as he slowly brought her out the door and into the car. He buckled her seatbelt for her and rubbed her baby bump, feeling the restless baby move around as if she were understanding of Taylor's emotions. He took her phone from the middle console and unlocked it, finding the details of the hospital room Scott sent over text.

Once they got to the hospital, Taylor rushed into the building, running down the corridor as fast as she could go into the lift, a wrinkled tissue in her hand. She hurriedly pressed the buttons continuously, hoping it would go faster.

When they reached the floor, she found her father sitting in one of the waiting room plastic chairs, impatiently tapping his foot. He was crying too, his handkerchief soaked to the brim.

She walked over to him, embracing him tightly. "Dad," she said, her voice cracking.

"Oh God," he replied, squeezing her tightly.

Joe sat down a few chairs over, not wanting to interrupt their moment.

"What's happening now?" Taylor asked, still crying.

"The doctor has to complete a few more tests before we can see her. They said she's breathing steadily and everything, so her current condition is still stable."

"That's good I guess." Taylor's ocean blue eyes were watery again. "I don't want to make this about me, but what am I ever going to do without her? I mean, she's my mom."

"I don't know either, sweetheart." Scott said.

"Where's Austin?"

"He's on his way too."

"Mrs. Swift's family?"

"Yes." Scott and Taylor both raised their hands up.

"You can see her now. Her condition is stable, there's nothing else except for the tumour. We've connected her to a feeding tube, but she doesn't need a ventilator right now." the nurse repeated everything Scott had told Taylor previously.

"Thank you." the pair nodded solemnly.

"I'll stay out here. Give her some extra love from me," Joe said to them.

"You're coming in, Joe." Taylor grabbed his hand and pushed the big hospital door open to Andrea's room.

The trio walked in to find Andrea pale as a ghost, weak and fragile. Her eyes were closed, but Taylor could still see her chest rise and fall.

She walked over to her mother and immediately grabbed her hand. "Hi, Mom," she whispered. "Please be okay. I need you," she cried, her never ending tears falling again.

She brushed her mother's hair back and pulled a chair over for herself to sit in. Scott did likewise and sat on the other side of the bed.

"What would I ever do without you?" she paused. "I love you," she said, her tears dripping onto her mother's hospital sheets.


26th April (it's like past midnight of the 25th so yeah)

day to Willow's due date : 2

It was another sleepless night, which Taylor spent worrying about her still comatose mother. Earlier that day, they had gone to visit her again, and they even brought her favourite flowers, in hopes of triggering some of her senses. Obviously, there was no avail.

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