Chapter 6 - Another fight

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I'm cut by a familiar voice. "What's happening over here?" Allen's voice booms.

All my three brothers come over and all look at Melissa and me.

"Your little sister did this to me." Melissa accused me yet again in her sweet voice. Her voice was so sweet that I thought I would get diabetes and would die of it. I cringed even at that thought.

"Guys I didn't do that. She is lying." I defend myself.

My brothers were shocked and confused.

"No I'm not lying." Melissa butts in with her fake innocent voice.

I seriously felt like breaking a bone or two now but I held the urge to. Right now Mason was the only one who would believe me. The twins looked a bit angry and I'm sure they won't stick by me.

"Mason I really didn't do that." I say sincerely.

Before Mason could react Allen steps forward and grabs me by my arm harshly. "You stupid girl." He starts dragging me to who knows where.

"Leave me Allen." I scream at him but he doesn't. So I forcefully yank my hand. "I swear I'll kill you if you touch me again." I yell at him.

He gets even more angry and attempts to hold my hand again but before he could touch me he gets punched by someone. I turn to my side to see who helped me. Half hoping it to be Mason but no it was Caleb.

Caleb crouches down to Allen, who was sitting on the floor holding his jaw. "If you touch her again it's me, my gun and your thick skull." Caleb says in deadly serious tone.

Mason and Felix come running to help Allen. Caleb comes to me and looks for injuries. When I say I'm fine be hugs me. If felt good to have someone to lean on to.

After a few minutes we were called into the principal's office. As expected. Melissa, Caleb and I are the only ones present. Allen was treating his jaw with the nurse. Caleb was glaring at the principal which made him shift uncomfortably in his chair.

"Miss Walker you behavior towards Miss Davies(Melissa) is inexcusable. You will be detained for an hour everyday next week and suspended for the rest of this week and Mr West yo-" the principal could not continue.

Caleb scoffs, "How do you know Alina hit her?" he asks the principal with a glare. The aura around Caleb was dangerous right now and the principal knew not to mess up. Caleb then turns to Melissa. "You tell us, Melissa. Where and when did Alina hit you?" He approaches her slowly but dangerously.

I could clearly see the panic on her face. Her mouth opens to say something but it immediately closes without a word being spoken.

"Speak Melissa." Caleb growls at her.

She flinches a bit. "In the washroom." She finally blurts.

"At what time?" Caleb leans down to her height to her eye level while she looks away. she does not answer which leads to Caleb's frustration to heighten.

"Speak Melissa." He yells in frustration.

I hear her sharp intake of breath and see her flinch once again."11 a-am." she says with a stutter.


Caleb turns to me. "Where were you at 11 Am?" he asks me calmly.

"History class. Room number 210." I answer without hesitation. He nods and looks at the principal.

"Get the CCTV footage and look into room 210." He orders the principal, who immediately calls a guy to play the footage.

It clearly showed that I was in class and not washroom. I mentally thanked Caleb.

The principal gulped nervously when I am proven innocent. Caleb clears his throat and glares at the principal. "Next time you decide to punish someone, make sure you have a solid proof against them. Don't forget the fact that she is related to me, the Walker's and the King's. Don't you dare mess with her if you value your job, family and your damn life." he says while pointing a finger at the principal. "I advice you to check if her injury is real or not. She might have faked it as well. I won't dirty my hands with her chemical products."

I fought the urge to scold him for pointing finger like kids. I wanted to laugh so badly at his comment.

Then he turns around to a shaking Melissa, "And you. If you dare to trouble her again remember you will have to deal with me. Got it?" she nods her head frantically. "Words." he shouts. "Y-Yes." she answers verbally.

With that Caleb holds my hand and leads us outside. He takes me to the football ground where we both sit , staring at nothing in particular.

"You okay pretty girl?" he asks me after sometime.

"I'll be." I answer.

He huffs and strokes my head in a brotherly way. "Your brothers are seriously shit. You deserve better."

I let out a low laugh. "I am realizing that I guess. If this goes on then I am going to get out of that house but honestly I am happy to have you and the others from gang. You all are more like family." I say sincerely.

"If your brothers trouble you just tell us. We are here for you. Don't keep everything to yourself."

"Don't you believe in me? huh?" I ask him playfully.

"I do. I know you can beat their ass easily but I just want you to know that this isn't just your fight. Let us be there for you as well. Let us fight for you as well." His eyes search mine for answers to which I just nod.

My phone starts ringing. Andrew. That's when I notice that its been an hour since the school ended. Mason has called and texted me multiple times to meet in the parking lot which I had not seen. I slide the green button.

"Get home immediately Alina." he practically yells.


I guess he knows what happened. Caleb must have heard Andrew. He gets up and stretches his right hand for me to hold. "Come. I will drop you." he offers.

So we both ride back to my house on his beautiful motorcycle.

"Call me if you need help pretty girl. I mean it." He says while giving me a tight hug.

I nod and enter the house with all the courage I could gather. Andrew, Mason. Allen and Felix were sitting in the living room. Andrew motioned for me to sit.


As expected Andrew scolded me for injuring Melissa and Caleb hitting Allen. I just stared at his shoes. He didn't even ask me once if I really did that. He didn't even give me a chance to explain. Trusting a stranger is better than trusting that own sister in their opinion I guess. I seriously need to think if I should continue staying here or not. Let's just say I got the lesson of- "Blood doesn't make you family."

I felt someone call my name. I look up to see it is Andrew. I guess he  finished yelling. I stood up with a sigh. "Thank you for assuming that I hit her and not letting me explain myself." I give him a fake smile and leave. I hear him calling my name but I just ignore and lock the door to my room. I lay down for hours in my bed. My mind was clouded with too many thoughts.

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