I shook my head, snickering at the thought but I quickly hung it up and gave her my attention. "Yeah, I'm here,"

She sighed, "I know you have to be somewhere, so I'm not gonna hold you up for too much longer. I just want you to realize what you have before somebody else does,"

After exchanging farewells and I love you's, the call ended and I was headed out to go pick up my hot date for the night.

Before arriving to her spot, I made sure to grab her a bouquet of flowers— Usually, I would've gone for roses or daisies or some shit, but this time, I grabbed a bouquet of forget-me-nots.

Within the bouquet, there were pink and blue flowers and I chose these because both reminded me of Zo.

The pink represented the gentleness that embodied her graceful persona, while the blue within the bouquet brought about a state of tranquility and peace, which also reminded me of her.

A gentle safe haven, she was.

Once I retrieved her bouquet, I made it to her place with only ten minutes remaining until it was actually time for me to pick her up.

I was willing to bet she wouldn't be ready, but I didn't mind waiting.

Before I could actually knock on the door, it swung open and revealed Kori, who was actually already headed out. "Wassup Kori?"

"Hey, Sin. Go ahead and go in, she should be just about ready. Have fun," She says with a smile before nudging me gently and making her way down the concrete steps before heading to her car.

I went ahead and stepped inside before closing and locking the door.

"Zo?" I called out, making my way to her room and that's when she met me halfway out in the hallway.

As expected, she wasn't ready but I was loving what the process had to offer so far. "Oh— hey," She glanced down at her watch, which happened to be her Rolex, before looking back up at me, "You're early,"

"Only by a few minutes. I brought these for you," I smiled at her as I extended the bouquet in her direction and she smiled while also looking confused, "Thank you, babe. What kind of flowers are these?"

She grabbed them and put them up to her nose to smell them before making a dissatisfied face, which made me chuckle.

She never failed to mention how visually and aesthetically pleasing flowers were, but the smell never did it for her, and I could agree to that.

Flowers were clearly a nice gesture to remind someone of your love and feelings, but I never understood why somethin' so meaningful had to be so temporary.

"These are forget-me-nots," I leaned up against her doorframe and I watched as she arranged the flowers nicely in a vase she had resting right in the center of the Chester she had in her room.

"Uh-huh, and what made you pick these?" She asked, glancing at me from over her shoulder and that specific look, as innocent as it was, had me yearning for a night cap already.

"They reminded me of you as soon as I saw them," Although her back was turned to me, the mirror that hung on the right side of her room allowed me to see that gorgeous smile paint itself onto her face.

"Well, that's very sweet of you," She came over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Thank you," She kissed my cheek and we hugged one another.

While holding her in my embrace, I took heed to her new perfume while I scattered kisses all over her face and the exposed parts of her neck and chest.

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