XXV. Clementine And Missing Brothers

Start from the beginning

"I just wanted to see if he had any cool tricks he could teach me," Tommy admitted.

"Oh, would you like to learn something from me? I'll have to say that I'm a pretty good fighter," Katelyn smirked. She had been part of the Jury of Nine after all.

"Would you really do that?" Tommy inquired carefully. He tried to keep calm, but he was actually really excited.

"Yeah, sure," Katelyn smiled. She had seen the boy's potential and knew that he wasn't just joking around.

"When?" Tommy asked. His eyes were sparking with excitement, which Katelyn found a bit funny, in a good way.

"Is now a good time?" She asked smirking.

"Of course! I'm always ready!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Great, let's go to the old docs," Katelyn hummed and let the excited blonde lead her.

     Katelyn had to admit that she was really impressed when she saw Tommy fight against her. She took a lot off mental notes while fighting him because he had a really unique tactic and now she wanted to teach him more tactics he could use.

Ever since she ha met the boy, she had known that he wasn't like anyone else. He had a really strong fire burning inside him and he definitely wasn't going to give up.

"You have a good style," She had to point out loud.

"Thanks, I guess it's kinda a mix of many different styles!" Tommy smirked, but not smugly. He didn't want to disrespect the older woman, who was willing to teach him more about her fighting tactics.

"It's really impressive! I'll have to admit theta I haven't seen anything like that the whole time I spent in O'Khasis," Katelyn added. She wasn't going to lie to the boy.

"Thank you! I really appreciate what you've telling me!" Tommy bowed his head a bit to show a bit of respect to the more experienced guard. "I really like your style too! It's pretty cool!" He added smiling.

"Can I give you a few lessons later this week? I would love to teach you more," Katelyn asked without hesitation. She really wanted to teach him more.

"Of course!" Tommy smiled brightly. "Just tell me when you want to meet me and I'll be there!"

"Great! Now we should start heading back before Dante comes looking for us," Katelyn smiled and the duo began heading back to the village.

     When Tommy woke up, he noticed the girl clutching to his chest and smiled. She looked so peaceful when she slept and Tommy swore he would kill everyone who tried to hurt her.

"Ey Clem, it's morning!" He whispered to his daughter.

She slowly opened her eyes and yawned before turning to smile to her father. She was happy to wake up next to him because it made her feel loved. She had been alone for months before she had found Tommy.

"Do you want to come downstairs to eat?" Tommy inquired and sat up.

Clementine shook her head. She didn't want to go downstairs in her human form because there was a bigger risk of her getting caught.

She didn't want to be seen by others because she was afraid that they would take her away from her father and she would be alone again. She didn't trust anyone else than him.

"Alright," Tommy hummed. "I'll be back soon," He said before disappearing down the stairs to the kitchen.

Clementine sat up and peeked outside if the window. She had seen Phoenix Drop before as a moth, but now she was seeing it as a human. The place seemed safe and Clementine knew that there were other young children too.

The Freedom I Wanted {Dream Smp x Minecraft Diaries Crossover}Where stories live. Discover now