She followed her past self as she ran to their mate, both ignoring his true killed. She watched as the slightly younger Yuna cradled the raven against her bosom, her past tears washing away the blood from his face.

The red head mentally crouched beside them, tracing his cheek, with her hand, as the her from memory cursed him for leaving her. Neither one of their nine tails were curling, they were lifeless, their ears drooped.

His skin was cold,much colder than it usually was against her hot flesh. Yuna's hand past through her old self's. She tensed, noticing the band on her and their deceased love's left ring finger. Her heart hurt more, realizing her own wedding finger was missing the prized possession.

How could she have forgotten? She'd gotten married just the night before. Yuna held herself in her arms, as she no longer had the comfort of her mate. Her past self kissed his forehead, wishing him a final goodbye, before she very gently laid him down on the ground.

Farewell my dear Itachi...” The two Yuna's whispered in the same instant, the mental beast gasping as she remembered the name she'd craved for.

The past kitsune lifted her gaze to the man that had been watching them, Yuna finally got a good look at his face. Her eyes went wide with horror as her past self swore to never forgive him, getting ready to leave.

How could Sasuke do this!? Weren't they friends? Teammates? He looked older than she remembered, but that didn't effect her, as she'd forgotten how she'd grown as well. The future kyuubi cried harder as she recalled what was about to happen, seeing Sasuke withdraw his weapon as her past self had given up on continuing her life.

He forced her against the wall, maybe he was doing this to end her suffering? Yes, that's why he was going to kill her, but then why had he tried to kill her when they were younger. The mental Yuna cried out as a searing pain filled her chest, while the past Yuna just smiled at the blade sinking into her flesh.

The future demon was wreathing in pain. How could he? They were friends, Itachi was his brother! How could he kill them so easily!?

The past Sasuke chuckled softly, plunging his katana completely through her past self's chest. “I'm sure you'll find Itachi waiting for you in hell.” He whispered harshly into her ear.

Her past self grimaced, while she mentally screamed, but still smiled. “I'll see you later then.”

Yuna felt her surroundings go dark, her past self, feeling the raven's shoulder as her head fell forward.

'is this what it's like to die..' She whispered to her past self. But the demon did not respond, she was looking through their memories.

The future kyuubi gasped as she saw the destruction and pain that had caused them to get to this point, from leaving Konoha to joining the Akatsuki. The memories suddenly became beautiful as they were starting to fill with Itachi's smiling face, his soothing words. Their first kiss.

That Christmas in the snow country. Their first night together. That time where Yuna had protected him from Pain. Both her past and future self mentally cried as they recalled the very first meeting they had with the fallen Uchiha.

He'd chosen to protect them from a drunken shinobi, when he looked in no shape to protect, but he stood strong, and used his title to save the young two tailed kitsune at the time. They would have liked that to be the end of their memories, but unfortunately time was going all the way back.

They viewed themselves as an infant, before the dying bodies of the fourth Hokage and his wife, as they sealed the rest of Kyuubi into Naruto. Yuna wanted to reach out and comfort her past self as they spotted the masked man they had come to know as Tobi, glaring down at the parents and their baby Naruto.

No one noticing the kyuubi kit that had appeared not three meters from them. The image finally changed to Ibiki picking them up off the ground, the baby kitsune had been crying as rain sprinkled on her. She'd never like the rain, for that very reason.


Just like that everything went black, the future demon trying to discover where her memories had taken her now.

Yuna what are you doing?”

The demon froze, realizing her past self had vanished, leaving her in the dark, but she recognized the voice. How could she ever forget it.

Itachi!” She turned to where she thought she heard him, but only saw more black.

You should have left me in the past..” His voice broke a little, and with it Yuna's heart.

How can you say that! I love you! I can't stop!” She yelled into the dark abyss.

You can't love someone who has already died.” He said, and she could feel the shadow of a hand cherish her cheek, but was still unable to see or feel him with her own hands. “You must move on.”

She shook her head furiously. “No! You can't tell me that! Not after everything we went through!” She cried out.

The kyuubi felt his lips on her forehead, hands brushing away his tears. “I want you to be happy, please, you may not have to forget, but please. Find someone else, to protect you. For me?” He asked.

His scent surrounded her, and it only gave her that much more pain, knowing this was all in her mind, and soon she'd be waking up with nothing but the memories of his touch and smell. “Please... Please don't make me do this..” She whimpered, her crimson orbs glittering in the dark.

I can't let you die... You have too much to live for.” He tried to reason.

What? What is there to live for?” She demanded, trying to see his face, but she could only feel his touch.

I can only say you'll find out, it's something you must discover on your own..” He soothed, scratching behind her left ear. “But I know you'll be happy you lived when you do.”

Yuna wanted to tell him she doubted it, but decided she'd listen, just this once. “Alright...” It was so quiet, she wasn't even sure if he had heard her. “But you better be waiting for me on the other side..”

She could hear a faint chuckle as his touch suddenly vanished.

She jolted finding herself back in her own body. Good, I look forward to seeing them.

The demon sat up abruptly, hearing his voice in her head. “Itachi...” The kyuubi was about to turn to see if Sakura had woken up, seeing the time to be ten in the morning, but a sudden lurch in her stomach had her rushing out of the room.

A surprised cry of her name echoing after her. Her pink haired teammate found her in the bathroom throwing up her meal from the evening before.


Kinaru: Sorry people for cutting it off there. I've got a five page paper to write, so I'm not sure if I will return to you before the week starts again, if not I won't be back till Friday.

Sorry for the insane wait that could be. School is getting a little crazy with only three months left. But please stick with me, I'm trying to keep up with this and still get my other stuff done.

Please vote follow and review.

I'll hopefully be back soon, okay?





Heroes Do Exist (ILYBD Trequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora