Chapter 7

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You were still in the bed when he returned, but you didn't continue what you'd both started before his gym session with Bakugo.

"I could get used to this."
He smiled as he played with your hair, while you were laid between his legs.

"Me too."

He tilted your chin up and leaned down to kiss you, a small and gentle kiss. You giggled as he pulled away.

"Couldn't help myself."
He happily sighed and gently trailed his fingers up and down your arm.

"I don't mind."
You laid your head back completely against him while he continued to stroke your hair and arm.

"I can't believe I didn't believe the girls."
You laughed a little as you turned around to look at him, both hands resting on his chest.

"What do you mean?"

"They've all told me for the past month that you liked me, I didn't believe them. Mina even said she'd noticed it in middle school."

"They were right."
His straight forward answer made your cheeks burn, you turned back around and rested your head against him again.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want to risk our friendship. Plus you were with Kaminari until recently."

"I didn't start dating him until second year."

"And then you were with him for nearly a year, so I gave up."
He thought for a moment and then laughed.

"What's funny?"

"Just something Mina told me Bakugo said to Kaminari after I took you away."

"What did he say?"

"He said 'if Kiri had made a move she would have dropped you like a sack of shit for him' apparently."
Kiri laughed and you did too.

"I wish I could have seen his face."

"Me too."

"I wish I'd actually seen you headbutt him, his nose was bruised for weeks."

Kiri chuckled.
"I normally wouldn't lash out on a friend, but what he did to you was so unmanly and it made me super angry."

"It worked out in the end."
You smiled as one of Kiri's hands stopped playing with your hair, and instead linked fingers with yours. He placed a gentle kiss on your head and continued to gently stroke your arm.
"I know this is so comfortable but I really need to change my clothes."

He laughed a little.
"No worries, I'll grab you one of my shirts."

You smiled and it made him grin back.


For the entire next week you stayed in Kiri's room every night. You'd kiss and cuddle but it never went further. Although, each time the mark on your neck disappeared he made another one so you started returning the favour.

"Seems like it's going well with Kiri."
Mina smiled as you both changed in the locker room after gym, the last lesson on a Friday.

"It is."
You smiled and bit your lip, grabbing his hoodie from your locker.

"Jesus Christ Y/N!"
Uraraka said as she looked at you.

"That's huge!"
Mina added as she looked at your neck.

"It's gone that far already?"
Momo asked as she tied her tie.

"Well, yes but no. It was about to but Bakugo interrupted us for one of their morning gym sessions."

"Ugh he has the WORST timing!"
Mina groaned and shut her locker.
"Although he did set Kaminari straight and that was funny."

"Yeah Eijiro told me."
You pulled his hoodie over and it hid your neck.
"Anyway, enough about me. What about you Uraraka?"


"Yep! I saw you cuddled up to Midoriya during movie night."

"Oh, that. Well, I actually made a move like you guys suggested. I didn't expect him to be so happy, his hug nearly crushed me."

"You guys are cute together."
You smiled as you shut your locker.

"So are you guys."
She smiled back.


"K-Kirishima! Your neck is bruised."
Midoriya sounded so innocent it made Kiri laugh.

"It's not exactly a bruise."
He smiled and touched his neck.

"It's from his girlfriend."
Bakugo grunted and shut his locker.

"So you finally made a move on Y/N then?"
Todoroki asked while putting his dirty clothes into his bag.

"Well, we're not exactly official."

"Then make it official dumbass, you're already marking each other. If you're already fucking I'm su-"

"Woah, hold up there Bakugo. We haven't even slept together in that way yet."

He snorted.
"Could have fooled me with the state of your necks."

"We've only been close once, and you interrupted us for the gym."

Bakugo laughed in response to that.

They all heard Denki sigh.
"I wouldn't expect it any time soon Kirishima, it took me months."

"Probably because you didn't know what to do, or which hole was the right one."
Bakugo responded and Midoriya nearly choked on the water he was drinking.

Midoriya choked out as he wiped the water from his chin.

"What? I'm not wrong. If they ever did it they were quiet, which meant it was boring."

"No, she just barely wanted to do it. Or anything for that matter."

"Well that explains why you would want to cheat on her, you blonde pervert."
Kiri sighed as he threw his bag over his shoulder.
"Unlike you, I'm not into her just for the sex."

"I wasn't either."

Bakugo snorted.
"Sure, dunce face."
He shook his head and headed out of the locker room.

"If you actually cared about her, you wouldn't have cheated."
Kirishima said to Denki before leaving the locker room, where he noticed you waiting for him.

"Hey Beautiful!"
Kiri smiled and gave you a gentle kiss.
"Were you waiting long?"

You smiled and linked your fingers with his as you both walked back to the dorms.


As you walked through the dorms, eyes kept looking over to you both as you were walking and giggling while holding hands. As you both got into the lift, you each pressed a different floor.

"Aw come on, come back to mine."
He jokingly pouted.

"Eijiro, I need a shower and fresh clothes. I smell."

"You sleep in my room all the time, maybe you could move some clothes over?"

"Wait, really?"

He smiled and gripped your hips, gently pulling you to him.
"I want to make it official, us official."

You smiled and gave him a small kiss.
"I'd like that."
The lift dinged open.
"That's me."

"Bring some clothes to my room, okay?"

"I will"
You smiled and turned around to walk out the lift. As you did so, Kirishima cheekily tapped your ass.

You turned around and he just winked at you before the lift doors closed.

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