Chapter 4

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A few days had passed and you were sitting in class, you were trying to listen to Aizawa but you were distracted and chewing your pencil without even realising it.

"Oi dumbass, that's annoying."
Bakugo grunted at you from the seat next to you.

You put the pencil down and instead started shaking your leg.

"Hey, you okay?"
Todoroki asked from the other side of you.

You nodded your head.

He raised an eyebrow at you, not quite believing you but left it anyway.

You were unable to focus after the conversation with the girls the other day, your mind racing at what they all said. The more you thought about it the more it made sense, you'd even noticed him blushing a few times. Did he really like you that way?

You shook the thoughts away and tried to focus on the class, but it was very hard.


The class ended and you couldn't be more thankful. You sat quite close to Kirishima, so when you weren't staring off into space you'd ended up staring at him. Luckily he never seemed to notice.

"Y/N, I'd like to speak with you."
Aizawa said as everyone left class.

You walked up to his desk, holding your notebook against your chest.
"What do you need to speak to me about, Mr Aizawa?"

"You seem distracted in class and that's not like you. Is everything okay?"

You nodded.
"I just had a bad breakup with Kaminari that's all. I'm sure I'll be back to normal once I get over it."

"Good, you shouldn't throw your potential away over a boy. I noticed in training the other day you changed your style and the way you used your quirk. Why?"

You smiled.
"I was talking to Kirishima about it, he suggested that instead of trying to use one element at a time for powerful attacks I should try mixing attacks or using multiple at once. Kinda like how my parents do."

"It's good advice. Keep doing it. You can leave now."

You nodded and left the classroom. You headed into your room and changed into some comfy clothes, before heading back out and taking a long walk to try and think, or even clear your mind.


You got back to the dorms and it was quite late, almost dark outside.

The walk didn't help as much as you'd hoped, so you wandered back towards your room no further than you'd been days ago. You were in your own bubble until you bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm s-"
You looked up to see Kiri, shirtless and in sweatpants with a towel around his neck. His hair wasn't styled but rather down against his face and was dripping. The sight of him made you stop mid sentence and your face burned.

"Hey Beauty Cool."
He smiled down at you. You couldn't respond and just stared up at him as your face continued to burn.
"Everything okay?"

You shook away the thoughts that were slowly creeping into your head and cleared your throat.
"Uhm yeah, everything's okay... I was just in my own thoughts."
You laughed nervously and rubbed your arm.

You still weren't fully convinced what the girls had said about Kirishima was true, but you were definitely staring to feel things for him. Feelings you were definitely going to keep to yourself for a while, the one thing you didn't want to do was act on them just for him to be a rebound.

"Are you sure? You seem distracted."

"I'm fine, Kiri."
You smiled.
"You just startled me that's all, I'll see you later."
You quickly turned and walked back to your room, your heart racing and face burning. Kiri just watched you walk off, confused as to why you were acting differently but also smiling at how much you were blushing.

He looked so hot, shirtless with his hair dripping. You groaned as you jumped onto your bed, burying your face in your pillow. You'd noticed that after spending the night with Kiri, and waking up to him, you weren't doing so well in your own bed.

It wasn't as warm when you were alone, it was harder to get comfortable. You'd even noticed that you missed his smell. This was different to every other time you had slept in the same bed, sometimes you would have woken up cuddling slightly but you never felt as alone when not with him as you do now.

You sat up and huffed, blowing some hair out of your face. You changed into the clothes Kiri had given you the other night and decided, regardless of your earlier resolve to not act on your feelings, that you'd go to Kiri's dorm and ask if you could sleep there.

You looked at yourself in the mirror, admiring how Kiri's clothes looked on you. You smiled to yourself, they were so baggy and comfortable. They even smelled like him.

As you made your way towards Kiri's dorm, you heard Kaminari walking about and laughing with Mineta. You nearly ran to Kiri's door, but lightly tapped hoping Kaminari wouldn't hear. You didn't need that conversation right now. It didn't take long for Kiri to answer.

"Hey you!"
He smiled. Like last time he was just in a tank top and baggy shorts.

"Can... can I come in?"
You nervously asked, rubbing the back of your neck.

"Of course."
He stood to the side and let you in, closing the door behind you.
"So you like my clothes then?"
He asked with a grin as he sat down on the bed.

You nodded.
"They're really comfy."

"What's up?"
He asked as his brows knitted together, noticing you were more timid than usual.

You looked down at the floor and fiddled with your fingers.
"I've had trouble sleeping."
Your heart was racing.
"I was... I was wondering if I could sleep in here again."
You looked back up to see Kiri giving you a soft smile.

"You know you're always welcome here Y/N, come on."
He got under the sheets and lifted them up.

You smiled and turned the lights off before walking over to his bed, trying not to seem too eager. As you got in the bed he laid on his back, one arm under his head and looking up at the ceiling while you laid on your side and looked at him.

"Do you mind if we cuddle again? It was really nice..."
You timidly asked him.

He let out a small, breathy laugh and smiled.
"You never need to ask, I always love to cuddle with you."
He took his arm out from under his head and wrapped it around you, pulling you into him so you could lay your head on his chest.

It didn't take long for the soothing sound of his heartbeat to make you extremely comfortable, the tension in your body disappearing as he gently stroked your back.

"You're so warm."
You mumbled and nuzzled your head into his chest.
He chuckled slightly, moving his hand from your back to your arm and gently dragging his fingers up and down your skin.
"That feels nice."
You inhaled deeply before sighing happily.

"You haven't been this cuddly since middle school, even before Kaminari. Is everything okay?"
He asked while trying to look down at you.

"It is now."
You let out a happy sigh, trying to cuddle closer and gently gripped his shirt with your hand. On complete instinct, you also put one leg over him.

Kiri swallowed hard, his heart jumping as he started blushing. He continued to trail his fingers along the skin of your arm, so it didn't take long before you drifted off to sleep.

Your breathing was steady and calm, Kiri smiled as he kissed the top of your head.
"Goodnight beautiful."

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