Chapter 12

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You took a deep breath and flexed your fingers while heading to the back of the ring. Houndara cracked her neck as she closed the gate.

She grinned, baring her fangs and fire appeared in the palm of her hand.

You grinned back, air twisting around your legs while water twisted around your arms. You knew better than to try and use fire against her, she was impervious to it.

"That's new."
Helia grinned as she encompassed her body in fire.

"That's not."
You smiled, as the air round your legs twisted more furiously and allowed you to float.

Kirishima had now stopped his workout, looking over to you. His jaw almost fell open in awe, he'd never seen you do that before. Other people started watching too, they've never seen it either only seen your mother do it on tv.

"Ooo someone's been practicing."
She grinned before growling, her eyes now glowing as she sped towards you.

"I've had some help."
You smiled, while encasing your entire body in a layer of extremely hardened rock. You could move, but it would be extremely hard to break.

With her Hellhound quirk, Helia used to always have the upper hand. Her quirk mixed perfectly with her parents quirks, her mother controlled flames as hot as hell and her father has a wolf quirk that allows him to partially or fully transform alongside heightened senses, strength and speed.

Helia inherited both and it made her cocky, which was her only weakness that you managed to see. If she had another, she kept it extremely well hidden.

Your quirk was also a perfect mix of your parents. Your father, the Pro Hero Tempest, has a mixed elemental which allows him control over earth, water and ice. Your mother, the Pro Hero Aeria, also has a mixed elemental quirk which allows her control over air, electricity and fire.

You were both lucky and unlucky, born with the perfect mix of elements. Even though you had slight resistances to them, you were impervious to none and overusing a single element caused extreme strain.

Kirishima's words were what had caused you to reevaluate how you were using your quirk and since your conversation with Aizawa you'd spoken to your parents about mixing elements.

They said it would come easier to you than trying to power up one, and they were right. At the moment you could control three at a time, it was easier if the elements mixed well together.

Houndara growled and jumped up trying to scratch you with flamed claws.

Using the air around your legs you pushed yourself up and over her in a flip.

Her heightened senses were good, but less useful if you weren't on the ground.

You pushed the water along your arms, soaking the floor of the entire ring. She growled violently, increasing the heat of her flames until her eyes were glowing red and any water she stepped close to instantly evaporated into steam.

That's new.
You thought to yourself.

Kirishima was watching intently, a mixture of pride and worry.

"Has Helia ever increased her flames that high before?"
He worriedly asked Bakugo.

"No. Not even against me."
Bakugo was also watching the sparring match intently.

Kirishima's gut dropped, he knew you could handle yourself but Helia was as violent as Bakugo when she got going.

"You're more nimble than before."
She laughed and crouched, before using the power in her feet to launch herself up and into the air at incredible speed.

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