Bonus Chapter: Yellow Rabbit

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Hero's POV

I'm walking around the isles of target, even though I hate this place with a passion. Josephine is pregnant, I can't believe it, and now here I am, wandering around the place that I hate most trying to find something for our baby.

I woke up early so that I could slip away from Jo so that she wouldn't ask where I was going or what I was going to get, I want it to be a surprise even thought I don't know what the surprise is yet. I want it to be something special, something with significance, or something simple, I just don't know yet, I'll know when I see it.

I'm standing in the baby section and I'm at a loss for words. There are so many things that are needed for a baby. Diapers, bottles, cribs, car seats, strollers, toys, pacifiers, and many other things that I had no idea existed for children.

I'm staring at all of the different things and a woman with a big belly walks by. She stands there, looking at all of the things on the isle. "Are you expecting?" She asks me as I pick up a little stuffed yellow rabbit. I look over at her as she grabs many different things.

"Uh, yeah. I wanted to get something for when my baby is born." I say as I place the animal back down on the shelf. "Well I sure hope you aren't the one whose pregnant." She says causing me to chuckle.

"No, my girlfriend. I let her sleep in today, she needed the rest." I say, thinking about all of the things that happened a few days ago from having been drugged by Nicole to finding out Josephine is pregnant.

"Oh, how far along is she?" The woman asks and I sigh. "About two weeks, I don't really know. I only just found out a few days ago." I tell her and she has the look of surprise on her face.

"Oh, so you're new at this." She says and I nod. "Yeah, all of this is very new to me. And lets not mention how scary it is." I say as I look all around the isle, taking in all of the things that's needed.

"I felt that way too when I had my son. I was so scared because his father wasn't in the picture anymore and I had to do it alone for a little while. But when he was born, everything changed and everything I had to do was completely worth it. Holding him in my arms for the first time, it changed me for the good." She says and smiles at me.

She walks over, picking up the small yellow rabbit and hands it to me. "Trust me, you won't be as scared whenever you see your baby for the first time. It'll all make since to you when they're laying there in your arms, you'll never feel happier, it'll change you like it did me." She says with a smile that comforts me.

"Thank you." I tell her and she nods. "Not a problem." She says and grabs one last thing, setting it in her cart. "It was nice to meet and talk to you." She says and I nod. "You too." I say and she walks off like she was never there at all.


I ride the lift up to the apartment and when I walk through the door, Josephine shoots up from her seat on the couch. I turn and look at her worried face.

"What's wrong?" I ask her and she sighs and sets her phone down on the coffee table. "Nothing... I just thought-" She starts to say but stops herself before she can finish.

"What?" I ask her and walk over to her. She looks down at the bag in my hand and then looks back up at me.

"I thought that you weren't coming back." She whispers and I set the bag down on the coffee table beside her. "Baby, I already told you that I'm in this, 100% of the way." I tell her softly and she meets my eyes.

Nodding her head, she wraps her arms around my torso and hugging me tightly. She pulls away after a few seconds and looks at the bag that is just sitting there on the table.

"You actually went to Target?" She asks, amusement clear in her voice. "Well, I just thought that it was the best place to get the thing I wanted to. Also, it was what's closests." I say and chuckle.

"What did you get?" She asks. Nosy little thing isn't she. A smile fights onto my face and I walk around her, opening the bag and pulling out the little toy. I hear her gasp and then before I get the chance to say anything, she tackles me and wraps her arms tightly around me.

I can't even hug her back because her arms are around mine and I can't move them. "Baby, you're crushing me." I say and she quickly lets go. She wipes her face as tears fall from her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" I ask her and she chuckles. "They're happy tears. I'm so happy." She says and the worry is washed away from my body and I can't help but reach over and bring her close to my chest.

"Me too, baby. So very happy." I tell her and she sniffles. She pulls back and grabs the little rabbit from my hand and admiring it.

"This is all you went in there for?" She asks and I nod. "Well, I also got you a chocolate bar, I know your earge for chocolate has been strong the past few days." I say and she bursts out laughing. I reach into the bag, pulling out the chocolate and handing it to her.

She tears open the package and taking a bite of it, moaning in satisfation. I stare at her in awe as she takes another bite. She holds it up to my face and I take a bite, causing her to giggle when some smears on my lips. She reaches her hand up, wiping it off and then putting her finger up to my mouth. I lick it off of her finger, causing her to giggle again as she pulls her finger from my mouth.

Author's Note

Now you know why the yellow rabbit was so important. Who knew that some woman in a Target would help Hero be less nervous about being a dad. This is officially the end, I will post the pictures soon after this and then I will post an update about my new book called Captivated. It will be out sometime in June.

Let me know what you think about this chapter and the upcoming pictures.

Much love,

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