10. The Truth

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Josephine's POV

"You're what!" Anna shouts in excitment and she jumps up. "When? How long?" She asks and I shrug my shoulders. "Wait, you don't know. Have you even told him yet?" She asks and I shake my head. "Jo, you have to tell him." She says and I sigh.

"I know, I know, but I don't know how to tell him." I say and she scoffs. "Girl please. There is no right way to do it." She says and I clear my throat. "I was going to tell him yesterday but you know, I saw his ex straddleing his lap and all." I say for a sorry attempt at a joke.

"Well, you two should go out to dinner, have dinner. Then go somewhere quiet, and tell him." She says and I nod my head. "Okay." I say and I hear a litght knock on her door. She walks over to it and pulls it open, revealing a tired, messy haired Hero. She greets him and invites him in. He walks in and he see's me standing there, he speed walks over to me and I run into his arms.

We hug for a few minutes and I sigh. This is the comfort I've been needing for a while. "I missed to so much." He whispers and kisses the top of my head. "I love you. I would never do anything like that to you. Ever." He says and I look up at him.

"I know that you wouldn't do anything like that. I just didn't know what to think." I said quietly and he closes his eyes. He leans his forehead against mine and I close my eyes. "I made you a promise didn't I. I would never break it." He says and I feel a tear roll down my cheek. He pulls back and brings his hand to my cheek, wiping away the tear.

"I love you." He says and I close my eyes, dropping my head. "I love you, Hero." I say and I look up at him. He leans down and kisses me hesitantly. He pulls away and I look over his shoulder at Anna who is smirking at us.
She clears her throat and Hero turns around.

"Okay, so are you two going to tell me what the promise was because that is the second time I've heard you say that. I'm curious." She says and Hero looks back down at me. I nod my head and he grabs my hand, pulling us to the couch. She walks over and sits down opposite us and I look down at our connected hands.

"Well, when we went to London, it was because of Jo's father. He threatened me saying that if I hurt her again, he'll kill me. So I got an idea. I bought her a promise ring, and promised her that I would never hurt her again. That I would love her faithfully and with all of my being." He says and I smile. She looks over at me and looks down at our hands. She stares at the ring for a little bit and she looks back up.

"Well I'm happy for you two." She says and looks at me in the eyes. Then she motions her head to him who is staring at us weirdly. I shake my head no really fast and she nods. 'Tell him now' She mouths and I shake my head again.

"Okay. What is this? Some new dance moves that you two made up while I was on the plane." He asks in confusion and I look at Anna with wide eyes.

"No. It's about Jo needing to tel-" She starts off by sayiong but I cut her off. "Okay Anna, you can shut up now." I say trying to dismiss her. She looks at me with a smug face, her face says that if I don't tell him, then she will. "You wouldn't dare." I say and she shrugs.

"Okay. What is going on?" Hero asks and Anna is quick to open her mouth to answer. "Jo is-" She starts but I cut her off again. "Jo is tired, very tired and wants to pick a special moment." I say and squint my eyes at her. She shrugs her shoulder and smirks.

"Seriously Jo. What's going on? Tell me." He says and turns his body to face me. My eyes widen and I look at Anna for help. She shakes her head no. "Tell him Jo. It's time." She says and then walks away. I sigh and look down. "Hero..." I start off by saying but don't know how I'm going to continue.

"Jo. What is it? You can tell me anything." He says and grabs my chin to make me look at him. I take a deep breath in and open my eyes.

"Hero I'm...." I start but stop before I'm about to say it. "You're what babe?" He asks and I just blurt it out so that I can get it over with.

"I'm pregnant." I say fast and his eyes go wide whilst mine close tightly. I don't wnat to see his reaction and I'm afraid of what he is about to say. Instead of answering me, I feel his lips press against mine and I kiss him back. He pulls away and my eyes are still closed tightly.

Everything I Wanted (Book 2) (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now