12. Arrangments and Rings

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Josephine's POV

Anna let us stay for the night and we spent the next day with her, but when the next day came around, we had to go back to Australia. When the plane landed, we went straight to my mum's house to tell her the news. We open the door and her and Katherine are sitting at the table drinking coffee and talking. They look to us and they smile.

"Yay! You're back!" My mum yells and waves us over. We walk over to them and take a seat side by side. "Hey mum, Kath." I say and she smiles, telling me that she's glad we're back. I look over to Hero and take his hand that's balled up on the table. I take in a deep breath, and look back over to them.

"Well, we have something to tell you." I saw and her face lights up already. "Oh my, are you pregnant?" She squeals and stands up quickly. I look over at Hero with shock on my face and his mirrors mine. "Uh... yeah. Yeah I am." I say and she runs over to me and pulls me up to my feet, hugging me tightly. She pulls back with a wide grin on her face.

"Oh, I'm so happy. I finally get to have grandchildren since this one here isn't with anyone." My mum says and motions back to Katherine. Kath scoffs and stands up.

"I never said that I'm not with anyone." She says and walks over to me. My mums face is priceless, her mouth is wide open and her eyes are the same. Kath comes over to me and pulls me into a hug. "I'm happy for you Jo." She says and she looks over to Hero, putting her serious face on because she knows that Hero is scared of her.

"You better take care of her and my soon to be neice or nephew. Do you hear me?" She asks him in a hard tone and he nods his head fastly, causing me to chuckle a little at how red he got. She leans in and whispers in my ear so that no one else can hear her. "Hmph, pathetic. You see how scared he is." She says and we burst out laughing.

We pull away and she smiles at me, standing by mum. "So, now that we have the big news out of the way, lets talk about you Katherine. Who is this man you've found?" She asks and I laugh a little. "Mum! This isn't about me. This time is for Josephine and Hero." She scolds mum and she gives in.

"Yeah, you're right. So, now that you two have a baby on the way, where are you two going to live?" She asks and we all take our seats at the table again. I look over at Hero and he is staring back at me, like he wants me to make the decision. "Well... we haven't discussed all of that yet." I say and she chuckles a little.

"Well now would be the perfect time while we're on the subject." She says and I look back over to Hero. "I'm happy as long as I'm with you." He tells me and I smile. "So that means that you would move into the apartment with me here?" I ask and he smiles.

"Well, when the baby comes, we'll need a bigger place." He says and I smile. "Then we'll have to go look at houses. The only question is, where to look at houses." I say and look down in concentration. "Here is fine. We could always fly out to London to see my parents or they could come visit here." He says and I look up at him.

"Yeah but I don't want you to be that far from your family." I say and he chuckles. "Yeah but if we move to London, then you'd be away from your family. Besides, I need to get away from them at some point." He says and I sigh, a small smile forming on my face.

"So, we gonna look for houses here?" He asks and I launch myself into his arms and hug him tightly. "So that's a yes?" He asks and I pull back, kissing him. "Yes, that's a yes." I say and he kisses me back. We hear someone clear their throat so we stop kissing and look at them.

"Okay, we're still here." My mum says and I look at them, smiling a little. She walks over to me and grabs my hand in hers. "So, you two are going to find a house here?" Mum asks and I smile. "I think that we are. If we don't change our minds, then yes." I say and she smiles. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me into a tight embrace.

Everything I Wanted (Book 2) (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now