13. Milkshakes and Old Friends

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Josephine's POV

"Marry me, Josephine Langford." He says, finishing up his speech and I can't help but gasp at his words. I stare at him so full of love and I break our eye contact by glancing down at the ring. The ring is so beautiful, that must've been where he was. It all makes sense now, why he couldn't tell me, and why he was so secretive.

"Jo, please say yes. Or at least say something." He says and I just remembered that I haven't said anything to him. "Hero, of course I'll marry you." I say and his face turns into a huge smile. He stands up really quickly, and so do I. He swoops me up in his arms and spins around in circles. He stops and stares at my face, so I lean down and kiss him on the lips.

He pulls away and smiles at me, then puts me down gently. He looks down at the ring and takes it out of the box. He grabs my hand and is about to put the ring on but stops right at the tip of my finger. He glances up at me and smiles, and I smile back at him as he slides the gorgeous ring on my finger.

He leans down and kisses me, I cup his cheeks with my hands and I kiss him roughly back. He pulls away, taking a breath and leans our foreheads together. "I love you Jo." He says and I smile. "And I love you Hero." I say and he swoops me into his arms, bridal style, and carries me to the couch where he gently places me down and kisses me. Before I can even say anything, he stands up and walks back over to the dining room, clearing up the plate, then placing all of the dirty dishes into the dishwasher.

After a few minutes, he walks back over to me with a huge smile on his face. I sit up on the couch and he sits down right beside me, pulling me close to him. He lays back, bringing me with him and we cuddle. He reaches over and grabs the remote, turning it on and searching for something to watch.

As he flips through channels, I bring my hand up infront of my face and stare at it, taking note of how beautiful it is. I'm staring at it for a little while and when I look away from it, I see Hero staring at me with a big smile on his face.

"What?" I ask, a small smile forming on my face. "Nothing." He says and looks away at the telly which is now playing an old episode of Friends. "Something." I say and he looks back at me. He smiles a little and grabs my hand. "I just love seeing you admire your ring." He says and I smile, looking back down at the ring.

"It's a beautiful ring Hero. I love it, and I love you." I say and he smiles down at me. I lean up and connect our lips, pulling him into a slow kiss. He pulls away and kisses my forehead. "I love you Jo." He says and I smile as I lay my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"And I love you Hero." I say, watching the show that he put on the telly. Instead of watching the show, Hero keeps his eyes on me as I laugh at the show's funny scenes. He smiles down at me as I make a face at the telly. I take a deep breath and stare intently at the screen.

"You know, it's not nice to stare at people." I say with a smirk on my face as I glance up at him. His eyes go wide and his cheeks flame in embaressment as he looks away from me. I chuckle a little and look at him. "It's okay baby, I like it when you look at me." I say and he turns his head to look at me again. I smile up at him and lay my head back down on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

After a few episodes of Friends, Hero breaks the comfortable silence. "Are you hungry?" He asks and my head shoots up to look at him with a small smile on my face. "Thought so." He says and chuckles a little. I shift and move off of him. I stand up and he follows my movements, standing up and walking over to the kitchen to get his wallet.

"You ready to go?" He asks and I nod, walking to the door and opening it. We walk out of the building and down the street. "Where do you want to go, love?" He asks and I stare up at him and smile. "Our diner." Is all I say and a smile forms on his face. "Okay." He says and we walk in a comfortable silence. I reach my hand down and intertwine our fingers together, holding is hand as we walk down the street to our diner.

Everything I Wanted (Book 2) (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now