19. The Wedding

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Josephine's POV
*2 month's later*

I'm standing in front off the door that leads out to the isle I will be walking down in a few short minutes. Mercy and Katherine has already walked out and are standing up there by Hero and his men. I just decided to ask Katherine to be my maid of honor and Mercy to be my bridesmaid. Of course, Felix is Hero's best man and Titan is his groomsman.

We both wanted something simple so we invited all of our closest friends and out family. Anna and her family is here, Shane is here, and my mum is here. Hero's group of friends are here, and so is his family. Hero didn't want me to walk down the isle alone so his father is going to walk me.

It took me forever to mind my dress. I wanted one that would stand out from all of the other dresses, which means, I didn't get a white one. I went with Katherine into one of the best dress stores in Australia to look for the perfect dress. After like 3 hours of her looking through countless dresses, I spotted one across the store and I knew, that is the perfect dress.

It is a long rose gold dress, that hugs to my every curve. It has black lace on my chest area and goes down onto my train. The dress has long sleeves and a v-neck cut. The train is about 10 feet long and see through. My veil is rose gold mesh, along with the black lace design on it as well, and the straps cover my whole shoulder. The bottom of my train has black lace surrounding the bottom and one thin line of black that goes up to the back of my dress. The back is open but my hair covers most of the exposed skin there.

Last night, Hero stayed at home while I went to stay with my mother to keep the tradition original. Katherine and my mum helped me get ready. They did my hair and my makeup, I think that it is a little much for us, but again, Katherine said, "You should have the full experience." I rolled my eyes at her but shut my mouth and I slipped my wedding dress on.

I break out of my thoughts when Mr. Tiffin apears at my side. "It's almost time." He says and looks over at me with a big smile on his face. "Are you nervous?" He asks and I chuckle a little. "You know, I've spent 6 years with Hero. You'd think that I wouldn't be nervous to see him, but, I'm so scared." I say, chuckling a little and he laughs along.

"Well, today's the day you two declare your eternal love for each other, today you two become one, it's good to be scared." He says and for some reason, his words calm me a little. When we just look at each other for a little, I hear the song that I'm walking to start playing. 'Us' by James Bay.

As soon as the music starts, the doors open and I am met with Hero's captivating green eyes. I lose my breath at the sight of him standing there in his tux. His pants, dress shirt and shoes are black, whilst his vest, tie, and jacket are rose gold to match my dress. The trim on his jacket is black as well and his little pocket square is also black.

He looks so amazing. His long hair is gelled back like it usually is and his hands are clased together infront of his body as he waits for me. The veins in his hands are clearly visible and I try so hard to not gawk at him.

I look up meeting his eyes and his mouth is slightly open as he is looking back at me. I breath out slowly as we stare at each other in awe. The words to the song start and George and I start walking slowly down the isle. My heels are 4 inches tall and are also rose gold to match my dress, the toe of them has black lace flowers so they match my dress perfectly.

Tell me how to be in this world
Tell me how to breath and I feel no hurt
Tell me how cause I believe in something
I believe in us

The song plays as I'm about half way down the isle. I am staring right into his eyes, and I notice them glaze over as his jaw clenches. He's trying so hard not to cry, and for some reason, seeing him this way makes my nervousness go away. As I stare at him as he trys to keep his tears at bay, I can feel myself about to cry. I take in a few deep breaths so that I can control it.

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