5. The Party

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Josephine's POV

Hero talked me into going to the party with him tonight so I'm getting ready in his bedroom. I'm wearing a Red dress with black heels. It's almost the same as Tessa wore at the New Years Party but this one is a little longer. Hero is just wearing a black pair of jeans and a white shirt with his Air Force 1's.

"You ready babe?" He asks and I finish putting my mascara on. I nod and turn to him, walking out of the bathroom. "Yep." I say and grab my purse, putting my phone and a pair of vans in there so that my feet don't hurt by the end of the night.

We walk out of his room, and his mum is sitting on the couch watching tv when we come down. "Where are you kids off to?" She asks and I chuckle as Hero just rolls his eyes, smiling.

"We're going to a party. Felix wanted us to come and he wanted to meet Jo." He says. She turns her head looking at us and she stands up.

"Don't you remember what happened the last time you went to one of his party's?" Martha asks him with concern in her voice. The smile is wiped from my face as I remember the events of what he told me about that party. I look down at my feet and I hear Hero sigh.

"Mum, of course I remember. It's the kind of thing that you never forget. We'll be careful. I promise." He says and I feel his arm go around my waste, pulling me to the door. When we get outside he realises that I'm still looking down at the ground.

"I'm sorry that she had to bring it up." He says and I tell him that it's ok, still looking down. I feel his fingers on my chin, pulling my head up to look at him.

"I love you." He says and I smile a little. "And I love you." I say back and he leans down, kissing me. "Lets go." He says and I nod my head.

We hop in his car and we drive down the road a few miles. In a few minutes, we arrive at Felix' house. There are people scattered outside with red cups. They are laughing and having fun. We park the car and get out, walking hand in hand up to the front door and into the house.

Everyone turns to look at us. They all smile and start to yell out at Hero and high fiving him. We walk into the kitchen and I hear someone yell behind us.

"Yooo FT!!! I see you brought your wifey to the party!" He yells, clearly drunk. He walks up to us he gives me a little hug. "Hi, I'm Felix. Hero's best mate." He says and I smile, looking over at Hero. He huffs and pulls Felix away from me.

"Okay mate. That's enough of touching my girl." He says and I feel myself blushing. "Do you guys want something to drink?" He asks and Hero shakes his head. "I have to drive so you can get something for Jo." He says and I smile at Felix. He goes into the kitchen and comes back with a red cup.

"Thank you." I tell him and raise the cup to my lips. The drink is strong but sweet. I drink all of it and put the cup in Felix' hand. He laughs a little and goes back to refill it. He hands me the cup and I drink about half of it once it is in my hand. Hero leans down and gets close to my face.

"Slow down babe. I still want to do stuff tonight. Can't do that if you are passed out." He whispers in my ear. I suck in a deep breath but it gets stuck in my throat. I remove the cup from my lips and clear my throat. He chuckles a little and he leans over close to me again.

"Thought so." He says and I roll my eyes at him. He pulls me to the living room where a lot of people are, sitting in a circle. Felix follows us and stops, pulling us back. "FT, I want you to meet one of my friends that I met in Australia." He says and whistles to a guy that is holding hands with a talk girl.

He turns around and I gasp, gripping onto Hero's arm tightly. He looks down at me and then follows my gaze to who I'm looking at. Sam... and Tiffany? I pressume. He turns and looks at us, the smile on his face fades as he sees us. He dismisses himself from who he was talking to, dragging the girl with him. He gets to us and stops right in front of me.

"Josephine." He says and I grip onto Hero's arm a little tighter. He winces a little and I look up to him, seeing him stare down at me in pain. I look down to my hands and see my fingernails digging into his arm, drawing blood. I remove my hands from his arm and look up at him apologetically.

"Wait... you two know each other?" Felix asks us and I clear my throat, finishing off the rest of my drink. "Yep." I say bitterly and walk back into the kitchen, getting another drink, I'm going to need it. When I'm about to take a drink, I feel an arm grab me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sam asks and I pull my arm from his grip. "I could ask you the same thing dick." I say and take a sip of my drink. "I'm here with Hero and his family. Is that a problem?" I ask and walk away from him, walking back to Hero.

"Do you want to go?" He whispers in my ear. I look up at him and then over to Sam who is glaring at us from the kitchen. "No. I came to have fun, he's not going to ruin my night. Besides, why would I be upset? I have you." I say and he smiles.


Hero's POV

Jo and I are sitting on the couch in a circle with Felix and his girl, Sam and his tramp, and a few others. Jo has had way to much to drink tonight and she's been eyeing Sam since we sat down.

"Guys, we should play never have I ever." Felix shouts at us and everyone shouts yes. Jo looks over at me and smirks. "Who wants to go first?" Felix asked and Jo's hand shoots up, but so does Tiffany's. Felix looks between the two and points to Tiffany.

"Ok, never have I ever be with someone and loved someone else at the time." She says glaring at Jo. Jo's eyes go wide a little and she clears her throat, putting her finger down. She straitens on my lap and leans forward.

"Never have I ever been with someone without loving them." Jo says and Tiffany looks over at Sam, putting her finger down hesitantly. Sam's eyes go wide but he doesn't protest.

"Never have I ever tried to kill myself." She says and Jo's mouth falls open. I look up at her, waiting fo rher to put her finger down but she doesn't. "You better put that finger down sweety." Tiffany says sweetly but she just makes a thinking sound.

"See, that's where you're wrong. I didn't try to kill myself." She says defending herself but Tiffany isn't having it. "That's not what I heard." She says and clears her throat. "Well, your source of information tends to lie through his teeth." She spits out and turns her glare towards Sam.

He is looking at me with wide eyes, motioning to me for this to stop from happening. I nod once, but not agreeing with him, I'm doing this for Jo. I lean up to whisper in her ear.

"Baby, you need to stop." I whisper but she turns her death stare to me. "She started it. Now I'm going to finish it." She shouts at me and I keep my mouth shut.

"Never have I ever hoed around with a taken man." Jo spits out and Tiffany's eyes grow to slits, but she puts her finger down. A lot of people gasp while looking between the two. Jo smirks a little and looks over at Sam, who is looking hella nervous.

"Never have I ever been cheated on with someone better." Tiffany says and Jo is quick to get off of my lap. She runs over to Tiffany, gripping her dress, pulling her up and pushing her over a person and onto the floor. Jo climbs ontop of her and balls her fist, raising her right hand and punching her in the face.

Oh hell. I stand up quickly and wrap my arms around her waist but she tangles her hands into Tiffany's hair, pulling it hard. "Come on Jo! Let go!" I yell at her but she screams no. I let go of her waste for a split second and she has punched her again. I grab her arms and pull her back. She screams at me to stop but I keep pulling her

"Let me go Hero! I'm gonna kill that hoe ass bitch!" She yells and I have to keep myself from laughing at her words. "I know you will but you can't. Come on, lets go upstairs." I tell her softly and pull her up the stairs and into the first room I see.

Everything I Wanted (Book 2) (Major Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt