16. Baby

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Hero's POV

*7 months later*

Okay everyone, please brace yourselves before you read this chapter because things are about to be heartbreaking. Grab some tissues before getting into this one cuz I have a feeling that you're all about to cry your eyes out.

Josephine and I are both sitting on the couch, her feet in my lap as she reads a book out loud to me. We still haven't gotten married because August is still a couple of months away. I rub her feet and she winces a little, causing me to look up at her. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" I ask her and she has this confused look on her face as she looks down at her belly. "No, it's- it's something with the baby." She says and I can feel my breathing stop. She winces again and drops her book on the floor. She holds her belly, and I hop up really quickly from my spot on the couch, rushing to her side.

"The baby's coming Hero! My water just broke!" She exclaims and my eyes go wide. "Really?" I ask in shock and she nods her head with a big smile on her face. "Let's get to the hospital." I say and I run into the bedroom, grabbing my keys, and everything that we put together for our baby's arrival into this world. I run back down to Jo who is now waiting by the door.

"Okay, are we all good?" I ask and she nods with a huge smile on her face. I open the door for her and we walk out to our car. We get in and I start driving us to the hospital. I can't believe that this is finally happening. This is the moment that I have been waiting for, us finally getting to see our child come into this world.

When we make it to the hospital, they rush us up into room. They get her changed into a gown and I stand by her, holding her hand as they examine her. "Okay now Josephine. You are fully dialated so we're going to need you to push." They say to her and she takes in a deep breath. She closes her eyes tightly and she squeezes my hand as she pushes. She screams in pain and the doctor looks up at her, worry covering her face.

"Josephine, stop pushing now!" The doctor tells her but Jo just keeps screaming in pain. I look down at her in worry, what's happening? "Doctor, what's happening?" I ask her in worry as I keep my eyes focused on Josephine. "She's going to need a C-section." She tells me and I take in a deep breath to try to calm my worrying nerves. Josephine opens her eyes, looking at me and only me. Worry flashes in her blue-grey eyes and she squeezes my hand. "It's okay, baby. Everything's going to be okay." I tell her and she nods, tears forming in her eyes.

"We have to take you up now." The doctor says and I lean down, kissing her lips. "I love you." I tell her and they take her away from me. I watch with wide eyes as they take her out of the room and disappear into a set of glass double doors. I walk out of the room and into the waiting room, sitting down and bouncing my leg as I wait.

I've been waiting for what seems like forever and I've been looking at the doors that they took her through every 5 seconds. This waiting is killing me, it seems like it's taking longer than it should. I keep bouncing my leg and watching the door as I wait, and wait, and wait.

After a little while longer, Josephine's doctor comes out of the doors and I immediately stand up and run to her. "What took so long? Are they okay?" I ask in worry and she sighs. "Josephine lost a lot of blood during her C-section. It seems that while we were working on getting her stabalized, he had gone in destess because of her loss of blood. When we got him out, we couldn't get his heart beating again." She says and my breathing stops. I feel like there is a big weight on my chest and I can't breath.

"We are very sorry Mr. Tiffin, but your baby didn't make it." She tells me and tears that I didn't know had formed fall from my eyes. This can't be happening. This can not be happening! I reach behind me, placing my hand on the chair for support so that I don't fall. I sit down and I let it all out. I can't take in a deep breath because of how hard that I am crying. She comes over and sits right beside me and holds onto my shoulder as I cry.

Everything I Wanted (Book 2) (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now