▒67▒ 🔹 The Amoria Palace - 3 🔹

Start from the beginning

Anisha looked at them keenly..

Suddenly Harold looked at the side sensing a stare and their eyes met..



'What the!!! No no no no no!! Calm down..Shhhhhhh...'

Anisha screamed inwardly..

"Oh! Looks like you guys haven't met yet.."

Marquis Patrickson stated..

They both became quiet..

'Well we met before many times but never greet each other..'

Anisha start to count their coincidental meetings..

"Well, meet Anisha, my daughter.."

Marquis Verita introduced his daughter proudly..

"I'm Harold vel Patrickson..
It's a pleasure to meet you my lady.."

He bowed a little and kissed the back of Anisha's hand..

"Yes.. Same here.."

Anisha felt her cheeks becoming hot.. She was blushing hard..

"Oh! Now...we really should enter.."

She took her hand back and walked fast leaving them behind..

Everyone looked at her confusedly.. But followed her anyway..

As Anisha was walking towards the palace, a cool breeze passed by her sending a faint fragrance of roses..

'Oh! Roses!!!'

Anisha's eyes twinkled while remembering the Amoria Roses..

Now that she looked at her surroundings carefully, she found herself surrounded by the Amoria Roses..

From the gate to the palace, you have to walk for a while.. In the middle there's a white pebbles pathway leading the Palace, and both sides of the pathway are surrounded by the gorgeous Amoria Rose garden..

'Oh my god!!!
I'm actually seeing this!!!'

Anisha controlled her excitement and internal screaming..

"Why did you stop?"

Her father patted her back with concerns..

"Oh! Nothing.. Let's go.."

She got embarrassed at her own childishness..

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