Part 21: Even if I didn't exist, the memories would.

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Hearts that were lonely and yearning for something felt complete. The moments which felt like forever at a time passed in seconds. The laughter which felt empty were now filled with endless joy and delight. Life didn't change... just the people changed. 

Author's POV: 

It's been a week now that you have been staying at Taehyung's house and no one minded it. Taehyung's mother instead was very happy to have you. She taught you cooking, you both talked, she helped you get ready properly for school. You both even talked the entire night instead of sleeping since you slept with her. It felt as if you found a family. 

Today, she thought of doing a good hairstyle on you since it'd look great and you agreed to it. 

Taehyung on the other hand used to eavesdrop on your conversation every night instead of sleeping. Life became so lovely that it didn't feel like you were a devil but just a normal human living with a lovely and warm family 

"My daughter looks so pretty!" Mrs Kim said as you giggled. 
"Will Tae like it?" You asked as she nodded laughing.
"Of course he will! You got such beautiful hair!" She said as you both joked around for a while but Taehyung had to barge in. 

"We will be late! Y/N be fas-" He was talking but he stopped seeing you in a new attire. Tied braid ponytail, Your all-time messy uniform now neat and clean and perfectly tied. And your non-existent tie came into existence. His jaw hung open as Taehyung's mom sighed.

"Close your mouth, loverboy! Or mosquitoes might enter." Mrs Kim said as you laughed with her while Taehyung coughed.
"Don't I look pretty?" You asked as Taehyung said, "Yeah. You do look decent." making you roll your eyes.

"Okay okay! Now go to school!" Mrs Kim said as you both got up.
"Bye, mom!" You said kissing her cheek as Taehyung scoffed.
"Look at you stealing my mom!" He said as Mrs Kim chuckled. "I will rather be her mom than yours." She said making Taehyung pout while you both laughed.

----At school

"Byeee!" You said as Taehyung waved at you. You stared blankly at him waiting for him to do something but that dry ass just waved at you awkwardly seeing you not leaving. 
"Are you seriously that dumb?" You asked as he looked at you confused. You went towards him and pecked him.

"We are in school!" He said as you rolled your eyes.
"Look at those peeps eating each other's faces out!! I just pecked you! What a dry ass! I rather go date Yohan.." You said as his face changed from a shocked one to a dead-serious one. 
'Talk more, Y/N!' You thought of using sarcasm with yourself. Before you could leave he held your wrist before asking, "Date who?" 

"Umm.. What date?" You asked totally acting all innocent as he came closer to you before his nose touched yours. You became excited thinking he'd do something like other jealous guys. But he just smacked your head making you groan.

"YAH KIM TAEHYUNG!" You screamed as he ran away. But you being the grudge holder, chased him all the way. It was as if someone turned on live tom and jerry.

----Time skip

"Where is he?" You asked yourself looking at the place full of students. You sighed sitting on a bench looking at the people enjoying.
"Only if I had made the right choice." You said smiling at the crowd. You never knew you would want to live like humans. 7000 years ago.. you never ever had a littlest thought of liking humans. You did like them when you first came to earth but seeing the pathetic sides of them made you hate them. After all, how long could someone suppress the hatred in them? 

But was it really their fault? Humans were made to have mistakes. Good and Bad, both were in them. Just because some humans were evil didn't mean the entire kingdom of human was. Maybe that's where you lost understanding.  

"How much time do I have left?" You asked yourself. You knew you might not have much time to exist anymore. You had been warned several times about the evil curse. Yet, your stubbornness never once thought that you would have the will to live. 

If once you got deceased, you wouldn't go to the afterlife. Not like your afterlife would be good or something. But still, you wanted to exist somewhere. And know that the one you love existed somewhere with you. You didn't want to live for yourself but for him. And you wanted to be selfish when it came to him. 

You were lost in your thoughts but a voice interrupted you. You looked back to see her, the one from just a few days ago. Your mother...

"SunHee-ah." She called out as you saw her tensed expression. You smiled looking down while praying that the biggest fear you had wouldn't come true. 

But deep down in your heart, you knew. Maybe it was time to go. Though a part of you was still confused why, another part of you said, "Maybe somehow something happened to lead this to here."

But you knew one thing without any confusion for sure. That you'd forget the beautiful moments you spent here but the universe wouldn't. Even if you didn't exist anymore, the memories still would.

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