Part 20: How good was he?

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Author's POV: 

You mixed the salad aggressively as Taehyung's mother laughed looking at you while Taehyung was staring at the ladies in the kitchen. 
"My son got such a good girlfriend!" His mom said.
"You've been praising her for the last hour! Stop now, mom!" Taehyung said as you rolled your eyes at him before saying, "Mother, he is just so jealous that you are praising me." 

"Mother?!!?!" Taehyung looked at you both surprised as Taehyung's mother chuckled.
"I don't have a daughter. She is just like my daughter. And she'll call me mother after you both marry so what's wrong in calling me that now?" She said while you smiled innocently at Taehyung.

Taehyung would be lying if he said he didn't like you get along with his mother but he couldn't trust the future. If his mother got to know you were a devil, how would she react? He was confused and anxious about the future. 

"Yah Kim Taehyung! What are you thinking? Come and eat! I cooked the food today!" You said as Taehyung's mother giggled a little secretly knowing your perfect lies. 
He looked at the food before taking a spoon. 

"Do you take me for a fool?" He asked as you took a sharp breath before smiling innocently.
"Mother helped a little." You said as he glared at you.

"Okay! She made it. I just cut the vegetables!" You said as he sighed. 
"When will you become good?" He asked as you shrugged drinking water as Taehyung's mother chuckled.
"So cute! Just get married already!" She said.

"Are you really my mother? Other moms don't like their son's girlfriend and here you're dancing on getting me married when I am still in high school!" Taehyung said as Taehyung's mom rolled her eyes.
"They say you don't appreciate things unless they are gone." You said as Taehyung's mother nodded. 

"Stop brainwashing her!" He said getting up as he left.
"Why is he so grumpy today?" Taehyung's mother asked as you mumbled an "I don't know". 
"Y-YOu! How?!" Taehyung asked as you looked at him blankly.
"I can teleport." You said as he looked at you suspiciously.
"You said you couldn't." He said as you grinned at him making him sigh.
"Why do you keep lying!!" He whined as you shrugged plopping on his bed as he looked at you weirdly.

"What?" You asked as he uncomfortably shifted a bit away from you. 
"Don't you think you should sit somewhere else? You know what.. nevermind. I will go sit on the couch." He said as he was about to leave but you held him by his wrist. 

"Are you nervous?" You asked as he looked away. You could tell right away that he was blushing. 
"Umm no... You aren't a real girl! Haha, not like we'd f-" He was bluntly speaking as you smirked. His eyes widened but as he was about to move away you pulled him on the bed, his face inches away from yours. 

"M-Mom.." He said as you chuckled.
"She won't see us." You said in a raspy voice which sent shivers down his spines. You pulled him closer hugging him as you snuggled your face near his neck. 

"Let's rest." You said as he said, "You don't need to rest.."
"Just play along you dry ass!" You said as he chuckled hugging you back. Suddenly a thought crossed his mind, 'Did she actually go around fucking random guys?' 

"No." You said as he looked at you confused.
"When someone thinks too hard about something, we can sense their thoughts and feelings." You said as he asked you again, "Did you seriously not sleep with someone before?" He asked as you smirked thinking of provoking him. 

It was true that you never slept with someone. You just went around seeing live shows of people fucking each other and sometimes annoyed them being invisible too but you never did it yourself. It was all lies you fed people. 

"Well...I shouldn't lie this time. I did sleep with a hot man once. He was so hot and cool.." You said in a sugarcoated voice and you could feel him clenching his jaws. You smirked before continuing your act.
"His chocolate abs..His plump lips.." You tried not to laugh as you could see him fuming. Suddenly he pushed you hovering over you. His eyes glaring at you like a lion glaring at its enemy, His tongue poking his inner cheek. You were a devil but his sudden duality made you a little anxious. 

"How good was he?" He asked in a dead-serious tone. And you knew why people said human jealousy is dead scary.
But you were no less. You smirked thinking he'd do something with you.

"You know what I wanna do to you right now?" He asked as you excitedly shook your head. 
"Throw you out of the window." He said getting up as you let out a breath before looking at the ceiling.

"Laugh at me all you want." You said looking at the fan which was making sounds that sounded like a laughing rhythm to you. 

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