Chapter 16

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~Bella's POV~

   I was sitting on the couch near Fera. She was hooked up to a monitor and it beeped steadily as she slept. I tried going to the meadow in my mind as I watched her but it wasn't there. It was as if it never exsisted. I sighed as I pulled the necklace from my pocket again. It was still green as I rubbed my fingers over the pendant. I could feel the power that the necklace held but I didn't know how to aquire it. The door opened, pulling me from my musings, as Carlisle walked inside. He looked over Fera and frowned as her condition was still the same. He sighed and looked over at me.
"That was the necklace she wore burning." I looked at him and then had an idea. I got up and walked to Fera. Carlisle watched as I tied the necklace around her neck. As soon as I moved my hands away the monitor went crazy. Her heartbeat raised so I went to remove the necklace until a hand stopped me.
"Don't." Edward held my arm while we watched her shaking. The monitor shorted out, the light above went out, and the three of us held our breathe. No one dared to make a sound until someone moved downstairs. Fera sat up suddenly and pushed us into the wall with air. I couldn't breathe as I hit the wall and she must've saw that. This wasn't the Chalice or Fera I knew; this was a whole different person. Her eyes held pain and regret but overall she looked like she wanted to cry. I ground my teeth and tried controlling the air holding me up. I fell down to my knees and I looked up into Fera's eyes. She looked shocked but it went away quickly like it was never there. I stood up still locking eyes with her as I walked. She growled and threw a fireball towards me trying to deter me. I held my hand up and caught it glancing at it in my palm. I returned my gaze and threw it back throwing her into the wall behind her. She gasped as she hit the wall and I held her there. I heard Carlisle and Edward fall from where she held them and stayed behind me. I looked out to the trees and pulled a branch inside to wrap around her. She groaned out as it tightened around her. I walked up to her as she steeled her eyes. I wrapped my hand around the necklace but she looked scared. I let it go and she visably relaxed.
"No more. We aren't here to hurt you." She nodded slightly and I let her go. I held her up so she didn't fall to the floor. Carlisle came to our side and helped keep her up.
"Let's get you back in bed, okay?" Carlisle muttered softly towards Fera. She looked up at him and nodded. We both led her to sit down and she let Carlisle look over her briefly.
"What happened to you?" I asked her as Carlisle left the room. Fera looked up at Edward but didn't say anything.
"Edward, can you give us some time?" He just smiled and kissed my forehead as he left the room. The door closed and she released a sigh looking down.
"I don't know. After I put our power in the necklace everything went dark. Next thing I know pain radiated from my chest and...well, you saw what happened." I nodded but was very confused.
"You spoke to me not even a week ago and then it was silent. Edward and I found you in the meadow yesterday with the necklace. The meadow is an actual place and Edward knew what I was thinking about." She shot up to look at me.
"He can read your mind?!" She urgently asked as she stood up to pace.
"Yes?" Was that a bad thing? She was chewing on her lower lip until I stopped her.
"I shouldn't even be here. I need to leave-" She started trying to pull away from me.
"Where will you go? Do you really think that running away will make this vanish?" I asked her increduously.
"No but maybe I can find some answers. We can answers if we leave now." I was gaping my mouth open like a fish.
"I can't. I have a life here! I can't just up and leave whenever I want to!" I seethed at her and left the room. I felt my own power flickering and just hoped that I got out of the house before anything happened.
   I groaned as a bright light was shone over my eyelids. I fluttered open my eyes and saw it was my dad with a search party.
"Bella!" He saw me stir and helped me up. I noticed that I was deep in the woods of I know not where.
"What happened?" I asked as he steadied me.
"You're okay, that's all that matters." I nodded but was looking everywhere to see where exactly I was. He kept my arm looped in his so that I wouldn't fall. It took almost an hour to get back to civilization. I gasped as we walked out into the Cullen's backyard where scorch marks could be seen in the grass. No lights were on so I figured that they weren't home.
"What the hell?" I looked back up to my father.
"What's the date?" I asked quietly as he looked nersoudly around.
"You've been missing for 3 years..."

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