Chapter 9

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~Forks, Washington~

~July 2004~

~Bella's POV~

   I was currently sunbathing with Angela and Jessica on a rare sunny day in Forks. I sighed out contently and Angela followed suit.
"We have new people starting this year. They moved from Alaska and they're really wierd. My father's friend that works at the hospital said that the father came by and was touring the building with the Head Doctor. The father is pretty hot though but too bad he's married." Jessica shot out to us and I groaned.
"Really Jess? He's probably double our age and you wanna get in his pants." I covered my face as Chalice made herself known.
I will be visiting you tonight.
I mentally sighed but said okay.
"You okay Bella?" Angela asked me and I assured her I forgot about my laundry. She seemed satisfied about the answer and let it go.
"If the doctor's cute maybe his children are too." Angela said to the group. I rolled my eyes and went back to sunbathing.
"He apparently has 5 children; all adopted cause he's apparently sterile." I mentally rolled my eyes a second time. New people in a small town like this is big news. We never get new people and with 7 new people coming the town would be buzzing for weeks.
"Are you gonna try to date one of the new people?" I turned my head towards Jessica and she scoffed.
"Of course I will. Maybe Dr.Cullen will adopt me." She giggled at her own statement and I just chuckled.
"We should go school shopping soon; I need some new clothes." Angela was a little taller than us so she most likely grew out of her clothes over the summer.
"I wanted to get some new books so I'll go with you. Jess, you wanna come with us?" She said she would and we agreed on a day before the sky clouded over.
"There is my cue to go. I promised my dad that I would make dinner tonight." I packed up my things and hugged Jessica and Angela goodbye. Just as I pulled out of Angela's driveway it started to downpour buckets.
   The rain never let up so it gave me the perfect oppertunity to train with the water element. I tried to move the water around me so that I wouldn't get wet. It took a few hours to get it but I finally did.
You're a natural but you might want to head inside. I sense someone is near. I know what she was talking about but I only heard a vehicle coming into the neighborhood. I jumped inside the house and started dinner just as the vehicle stopped outside my house. I wonder who is coming around this time of night. The doorbell rang and I said to give me a minute.
Don't open the door! I held my ears as she shouted through my mind. I have to open the door they already know someone's here. I walked to the door and opened it to show a man in a wheelchair and a teen boy around my age.
"Can I help you?" The man looked at me incredously and the boy laughed.
"Told you she wouldn't remember. I'm Jacob, Jacob Black and this is my father Billy Black." Realization hit me and I laughed.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. It's been a while, please come in. My dad should be home soon so make yourself comfortable." I held the door open as Jacob wheeled Billy inside. I went back into the kitchen to finish dinner as they waited.
"Are you guys hungry?" I called into the other room.
"We ate before we came but thank you." Billy answered for them.
You need to stay away from them, they're bad news. I scoffed at Chalice and continued with dinner. Unless she controlled my body I can see whoever I want. I heard her laughing but it grew faint.
   I was in my room reading through one of the magic journals when a wave of exhaustion hit me like a frieght train. I stumbled over to my bed from the rocking chair and fell on the bed. I struggled to keep my eyes open but the exhaustion won out.
I was back in the meadow and knew that I was in trouble. Chalice was sitting at the edge of the meadow picking at flowers.
"Nothing must happen to you. Those people that you invited in are dangerous just as the Cullens are." She glared at me saying that.
"The Cullens? They haven't even moved in yet and they're dangerous? What makes them so dangerous?!" I shouted at her and she looked away.
"If I tell you, you must have your mind shielded. One of them is a mind reader and I will not have him snooping around in here." I nodded and she sighed.
"The Cullens are vampires. Those things you let in downstairs are werewolves. You are a witch because of me." I looked at her curiously as she explained.
"What happened?" I gave her a look at showed I wasn't leaving until she answered me. Chalice took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes.
"The Cullen's coven leader had me burned at the stake back in 1663 for witchcraft. His father lit the fire under me and he just watched when he could've done something! I will never forgive him for that!" I took pity on her.
"Don't pity me! You will let me have revenge one way or another." I nodded and she smiled at me.
"We can start tomorrow." I told her.

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