Chapter 12

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~Bella's POV~

   It took a little bit of time to get to the Cullen's house. They lived outside of Forks so the sun was beginning to come up when a house mostly consisting of glass came into my view. I was in awe until I tripped on a tree root.
I growled at her in my head and she just laughed. I pulled myself back up but there was a vampire in front of me. He had dirty blonde hair with red eyes and he was smiling at me. Behind him was another vampire with red hair and eyes to match; she looked feral but that didn't scare me.
Let me out! You won't be able to beat them!
I let out an audible growl and the two vampires just smiled more.
"You'll make for an interesting snack." The man hurled into me and I was thrown over his shoulder before he took off running. Chalice was screaming at me but I wanted her to wait. If these vampires knew that I was special then they would never let me go. Her screaming died down but I know she was still mad at me.
"James!" The redhead yelled and looked behind her. Was something following us? I was internally happy but what if it was other vampires who drank human blood. I soon saw a blur coming up fast but I couldn't tell who it was. I was knocked from James's shoulder and rolled onto the forest floor. I groaned as I tried standing up from my tumble only to slide down the tree I held onto. I heard growling and a few roars but then it got quiet. I breathed lowly and quietly but a hand came up behind me to cover my mouth. I tried wiggling and licking but the hand didn't budge. I felt a breathe on my ear and I stilled.
"Better stay still. You'll be my meal now." She bit down into my neck and pulled blood into her mouth while I thrashed around out of fear. I screamed into her hand as tears pooled aorund my eyes.
Please let me help..
No. I knew the Cullens were nearby and that they would help. I could see black spots in my vision as she drained me dry. I thought I saw a blur come in front of me but the darkness had consumed me before I could figure out what it was.
   I heard beeping coming from beside me and groaned as my head was pounding terribly. I brought up my hand to rub my head and felt a tug against my skin. I squinted and saw an iv in my hand. A hospital, just what I needed right now. Flashes went through my mind of a man and woman smiling at me. I could feel a cloth on my neck and moved my hand there where gaze and tape was. The monitor beeped a little faster and the door opened to show Carlisle walking in.
"You're awake, good." He checked my iv bag and sighed.
"How long was I out?" I asked not looking up at him.
"A couple days. You lost a lot of blood." An image of a black skinned man rushing in front of me and biting into my shoulder flitted through my mind. I sighed very low but I know he heard me.
"How's Edward taking this?" Carlisle looked somewhat shocked but he recovered quickly.
"Not too well. He's away at the moment but he wanted you to know that he was sorry." I nodded and tried sitting up. A dizzy spell washed over me and I let my head fall back.
"Maybe give it another hour before trying to sit up?" I slowly nodded and he smiled.
"I'm sorry Carlisle. About what happened at the hospital before." He just shook his head and chuckled.
"No it's my fault to begin with. I should've done something about it to begin with." He sat down on the bed which I noticed was far bigger than a hospital bed.
"You're at my house. It was closer than the hospital and I doubt you'd want your father finding you in the hospital again." I smiled thankfully at him which he returned. He handed me a glass of water which I greedily drank down.
"How long is a couple days?" I asked him.
"5 to be precise." I shook off my shocked look and leaned my head back.
"I'm guessing everyone is out of the house then being that I was bleeding." He nodded and I sighed. Great, now I'm a homewreaker.
"My wife had stayed so not everyone is gone." I smiled and tried again to sit up.
"Careful." He warned helping me into a sitting position against the headboard. I sighed as I stopped moving so much.
"She's mad at me isn't she?" I asked as he looked out the window.
"No. She's afraid about the witch is all." He looked down at his ring and I could understand her fear.
"I think she's sleeping right now. May I talk to her?" I asked sweetly and he gave me a small smile. Leaving the room it became very quiet. I wonder if it's always this quiet around here. Chalice is usually humming a tune that I've come to adore but it's very quiet now. The door opened again to a woman with caramel colored hair with the same eyes Carlisle has. Hers were a little darker but I trusted her completely. I smiled at her and she gave a warm smile back. Carlisle came back into the room as well which I didn't mind.
"Hi, I'm Bella." I held out my hand to her which she took right away.
"I'm Esme but the pleasure is mine. I'm glad that you're safe." I nodded at her and we started talking about different things. After a while Carlisle left the room and we kept talking until sundown.

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