Chapter 14

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~Bella's POV~

   I was back home and reading in my bedroom. Dad was furious that I didn't tell him about the supposed sleepover and grounded me for 2 months. I don't blame him I did give him a scare. Chalice has been quiet and that was concerning. She isn't even humming and most of the most she is.
"You'll get wrinkles thinking so hard." I jumped, startled at Edward's voice. I closed my eyes to ease my heartbeat.
"Do you do that often?" He just shrugged and sat down on the bed.
"Just since the first few days of school." I laughed and he chuckled. I leaned against him and he hummed softly into my hair.
"You need some sleep." It was only 8:30pm but we did have school tomorrow. I sighed and gathered clothes for a shower.
"Wait for me." He nodded as I shut my door. The hot water on my back soothed my muscles and I let out a content sigh.
I'm sorry.
I cursed her mentally for the scare but she didn't show offence.
"It's been almost 2 months. What took so long?" I heard her sigh as if it was a difficult question.
I..I want to talk to him again. I won't do anything I just have some questions. You can bind your magic temporarily it you want.
"I suppose so. Show me tonight?" She nodded and I finished up my shower with her humming her tune. I've missed her voice. I quickly got dressed and got back in my room. Edward was in my rocking chair by the window reading Romeo and Juliet.
"That's one of my favorites." He just looked up and gave a small smile. He returned the book and vanished. I was confused until I heard a knock at my door. Dad opened it looking around like he heard something.
"You okay?" I smiled and gave him a nod.
"I was talking to myself. It's been recurring since my grounding." He chuckled and said goodnight before going back to his room. Edward was back on my bed leaning against the headboard. I smiled softly and climbed in cuddling him. Even though his skin was like marble it felt kinda warm instead of the coldness of his family. He didn't need to tell me his secret as I already knew so he was relieved.
"She wants to talk to Carlisle again." I said against his chest and his humming stopped.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I nodded and he relaxed again.
"They need to talk this out and after his story she feels bad." His humming turned into a sweet melody and I found myself drifting to sleep to it.

I was back in the meadow and Chalice was on top of a rock now. She looked up after sensing me approach and smiled.
I really am sorry about what I did. I was blinded by rage and just lashed out.
I understood completly and gave her a hug. She was surprised but hugged me back.
"Now, how do I bind my magic?" She went back to her rock and pulled out a necklace containing a pendant. The pendant was clear and it was pretty.
We will put our magic inside this necklace. The only way that we can use our magic would be wearing this necklace.
I nodded showing that I understood and agreed. She did a small incantation and I felt like a part of me was missing. The necklace was then a forest green color and Chalice hummed in apprieciation.
There, now we won't hurt the Cullens again.
"Is it supposed to feel like a part of me was ripped away?" She sadly nodded and I gave a discontented sigh. I understood but it didn't make it easier.
When the time comes to use our magic again it'll find you.

   I sat up gasping and almost bumped Edward in the forehead. He quickly stood up and looked at me like I was an alien. I got my breathing under control and leaned against my propped hand.
"Bad dream?" He asked sitting in the rocking chair.
"Something like that." I saw that it was 5 am so I got up to get ready for school. I wouldn't be going back to sleep for a while now so I might as well. Edward breezed out the window when a knock sounded on my door.
"Hey kiddo, I gotta head to the station now so have a good day at school." I quickly gave him a hug as he kissed my head. It had been 10 minutes when I heard a knock at the front door and knew it was Edward.
"Come in! I'm almost done." I put my shoes on and grabbed my bag, booking it down the steps. I stopped short when I saw it was Carlisle in the doorway.
"Edward informed me that Fera wanted to talk." I looked confused and them realized that it must've been Chalice's real name. I looked at the clock and saw that it was still before 6 so I nodded and showed him to the living room. I left my bag on the table and followed him into the living room. He looked so out of place sitting on the deep green couch but I shrugged it off. I sat in the armchair a little aways and he shifted a little.
"She's been quiet so it might take a minute." He just nodded as I closed my eyes going back to the meadow. I gasped and was pulled back to my living room staring wide eyed at Carlisle.
"She's gone!"

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