Chapter 15

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~Bella's POV~

   Edward kept looking over at me seeming concerned. I kept trying to go to the meadow but I was getting kicked out every time. I growled out in frustration and Edward covered my hands with his. He lifted them up to his lips and kissed the back of them. I let out a long sigh and closed my eyes again.
"I'm sorry. She's never done this before and it's scaring me." He just nodded saying that he understood. We were at school and had yet to get out of the Volvo. His siblings were in the next car over with Rosalie driving. She has a red BMW and I was envious of it.
"Aren't you guys trying to stay under the radar?" I pointed towards Rosalie's car and he laughed.
"All Forks needs to know is that it's our parents." I just shrugged and sighed again.
"She'll come back. Don't worry about it so hard." He pretended to smooth out nonexsistent wrinkles and I shoved him a little opening my door. I met him around the back with his siblings and we all walked inside the small school.
   Lunch could not have come quicker. Edward was outside of my class so we walked through the doors directly to the line. I was starving and I wasn't sure why. Edward paid for it and we walked to our own table away from everyone.
"You know, I have my own money." He shook his head no.
"I want to spoil you." I just laughed and grabbed the salad from the tray. I took a bite but the lettuce tasted like I was crunching on bones. I swallowed it knowing that it wasn't bones but it got caught in my throat. Okay, so maybe it wasn't lettuce. I gave a wary look and bolted from the table for the bathroom. I barely made it as I tried heaving it back up and not down. That was not salad and my body agreed. My throat was screaming at me as it got dislodged and it kept scraping the inside of my throat and my mouth. It felt cold on my tongue and I quickly spit it out. I looked into the toliet horrified at the needles that lay there floating to the bottom. I quickly flushed it and sat on the floor. Needles?! What is happening to Fera?
"Are you okay Bella?" I heard Angela outside the stall and stood up.
"I'm fine, it was just old food is all." I heard her mutter an okay and leave the room.
"Sorry. Bella, come on we gotta get to class." Alice came in. I opened the door and she gave me a knowing look.
"Carlisle is already on his way home." I gave her a thankful look and I met Edward outside. He looked so worried so I hugged him.
"Let me see. I trained in the medical field too." I opened my mouth as he looked.
"Needles did this?" I closed my mouth and nodded.
"Carlisle will know what to do." I had a nagging feeling that he wouldn't.
   I was in Carlisle's study sitting on his desk as he looked at my throat. He looked confused as to how needles got in my throat.
"There isn't much that I can do. Your throat will heal on it's own so just take liquids." I nodded knowing I won't be eating until I figured out what happened to Fera.
"Something's wrong." Carlisle quickly came over to me and held my arms.
"Something's wrong with Fera. I can't contact her like I usually do." He let go of my arms and continued putting away his equipment.
"Have you tried reaching out in your dreams?" I haven't tried that but maybe I could.
"It might work." A voice echoed through the room and then gasped. I saw Edward speed into the room and grab my face.
"Think of something, anything." I gave him a quizzacle look but complied. I like your black hair.
"I don't have- oh my god! I can read your mind!" He was very happy but that only confirmed what I thought.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." He apologized profusely. It's okay but do you know where this is? He nodded and went running out the door with me.
"That meadow I know. I always go there when we are here." I smiled and put my face into his chest bracing the wind. He stopped completly and put me down as we approached the meadow. The flowers seemed more vibrant than in my mind and I brushed my hand against the ones on the edge of the circle.
"I didn't think it exsisted." I muttered softly.
"Bella." Edward pointed to the center of the meadow where a girl was laying down. Her eyes were closed and she looked peaceful. Her hair was fanned out around her and she wore a small white/ivory dress. No shoes adorned her feet but they looked clean. I walked towards her getting a closer look. She seemed familar but I couldn't tell from far away. I was a few feet away when I gasped.
"It's her!" I ran towards her and Edward followed behind. I fell to my knees as I brushed a stray hair away from her face.
"Get Carlisle." Edward was gone in an instant and I was staring back at her. The necklace was clutched in her hand and it was still green.
"Fera." I looked up at Carlisle and he looked at her in awe.
"She's alive so that's good. Let's get her back to the house." Carlisle picked her up and the necklace tumbled down into the grass. I picked it up and put it in my pocket for the time being. Edward put me on his back and we followed Carlisle back to the house.

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