Chapter 43

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Wanda's POV:
The school bell rang marking the start of our trip to Paris. We said our goodbyes to the kids and Luna before boarding the jet. I always loved when Y/N piloted she looked so good. When we were at a high enough altitude I turn the autopilot on. She looks at me confused.
"What are you doing?" She asks. I straddle her kissing her.
"I'm thanking my wife for planning a wonderful trip. And you know I love it when you pilot," I smirk. She blushes.
"You're welcome. Anything for you my love. You know the last thing Carol said to me before we left is to soundproof our walls," she says laughing.
"I mean she's not wrong. You're very loud my love," I tease her.
"That's rich coming from you. The woman who was so loud that I had to install sound proof our bedroom in the first place," she quips back.
"I can't help it. You know my body so well and somehow you just keep getting better at pushing my buttons," I smirk kissing her again.
"You're teasing me Maximoff this isn't fair. You know I've got to concentrate when you're kissing me like that I can't," she says trying to focus.
"Who said I was teasing? You keep concentrating on flying and I'll concentrate on you," I whisper nibbling on her ear.

We get off the jet in Paris and we're staying at a safe house on the outskirts of the city. Y/N carries our bags inside and just smiles at me. She wraps her arms around my waist.
"I don't know where what happened on the jet came from I also really don't care because that was mind-blowing," she says smiling.
"You're welcome. Now we should probably go and have dinner because I cannot be dealing with a grumpy you in Paris," I smirk. She kisses me gently before we get ready for the evening.

Y/N had booked us into this beautiful restaurant that had a view of the Eiffel Tower. She pulls the chair out for me to sit down.
"After all this time you still make me feel so special Y/N. I don't know what I did to deserve your love and loyalty over the years but I'm so grateful for you, my love. I love you so much Y/N Maximoff," I proclaim holding her hand.
"I love you too. You deserve the world Wanda Maximoff and I'd give it to you if I could. I'm just loving you the way I promised to on our wedding day. I know I've been distracted with work and haven't been as attentive as I should have been over the last few months and I'm sorry. I'm hoping that what I have planned for this holiday will make up for it," she apologises to me.
"You have nothing to apologise for. You believed me even when you had no reason to and you show me you love me everyday in the way you look at me, in the way you smile at me when you wake up and in the way you tell me you love me. It's been a hard year for all of us but that hasn't changed how you treat me or love me and that makes me love you even more if that's possible," I assure her. She pulls me in for a gentle kiss.
"It's an honour to love you Wanda," she whispers.

We have a wonderful romantic meal overlooking the beautiful city of Paris. Y/N and I stroll through the streets hand in hand taking in the ambiance of the city. We walk to the Eiffel Tower to take pictures. They turned out beautifully really capturing how in love we are after all these years. Y/N wraps her arms around my waist from behind resting her head on my shoulder and we just stand at look at the tower safe in each other's arms and in each others love.
"What you thinking about my love?" Y/N asks me after a while.
"What we'll do when the kids leave home. I'm not sure I want to go on one of those old people cruises I think we're still too young for that. I like the idea of living in a different city for a month or two then coming home for holidays. Obviously we'll have to work for a few more years if the kids decide to go to College so we're around," I explain turning round to face her.
"You've really thought this through. I know us getting older worries you but you know I'm looking forward to growing old with you and just living our lives to the fullest getting to do the things we've always wanted to but never gotten a chance to. I think we should make a list of every city we want to travel to and every sight we want to see. We'll see them all every last one. We've spent years of our lives saving the world it's about time we start seeing what it has to offer us," she speaks beautifully.
"Sometimes I just listen to you and think you're thousands of years old because you're so wise, speaking with such eloquence and grace. I'm not scared of growing old anymore because I know I'll have you by my side loving me everyday," I say kissing her gently.

We stroll back to the house hand in hand talking about the future making a list of what we wanted to see and do. When we get back to the hotel neither of us are tired. Y/N puts on an old jersey and shorts to sleep in knowing full well that I loved when she did that. I lay down on the bed and smile at her. She straddles me kissing me lustfully. She kisses down my neck making me moan. She was moving painfully slowly.
"Stop teasing," I plead.
"As you wish my love," she smirks before moving down my body.

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