Chapter 34

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Y/N's POV:
I was awoken by my phone ringing non stop.
"Hello," I answer sleepily.
"It's MJ her waters have broken. What do I do?" He asks panicking.
"Ok stay calm. I'll get the car and bring it around driving us to the hospital ok?" I assure him hanging up the phone. Using my super speed to get ready and leaving Wanda a note to say where I've gone, I head down to the car putting a towel down in the front seat for MJ to sit on. I pull up at the front of their house and we help MJ in. Putting my foot down as it's early there's barely any traffic on the road. We get to the hospital and the nurse comes out with a wheelchair for MJ and her and Peter head inside while I park up.

I call the house phone hoping that Wanda would pick up.
"Hello," Wanda says sleepily.
"Hey babe. MJ has gone into labour so I'm at the hospital with Peter. I'm going to call the others now to let them know. Bring the presents with you please. I love you," I explain quickly.
"I love you too. I'll be there soon." I ring around the others letting them know what was happening. Peter mentioned that he'd already called Aunt May so I think that's everyone. I head inside to find Peter and MJ. The nurse directs to me to the room. I wave at Peter to show him I'm there if he needs me but I wait outside pacing the hall for Wanda and the others to arrive.

It brought me back to when the twins were born. Wanda nearly broke my hand that day but I wouldn't have changed it for the world. Seeing her smile when she saw Pietro and Nat for the first time. I just remember looking at them thinking every ounce of pain and suffering that I endured was all worth it to get to this moment.

The others arrived after half an hour or so of me waiting outside the room. Wanda ran over to me giving me a tight hug. Aunt May went straight in to support Peter.
"Bruce is looking after the twins. Are you ok?" Wanda asks.
"Yeah just hungry but I don't want to miss being here in case Peter needs us," I explain kissing her on the cheek.
"I've got you Y/N. What do you want?" Bucky inquires.
"Thanks Bucky. Anything that'll wake me and Wanda up a bit," I say handing him some money. He nods refusing to take the money and walks off. Wanda and I sit down on the chair and I rest my head on her shoulder as she wraps her arm around me.
"You know while I was waiting I was thinking about the twins being born. I'd never been so happy. What I couldn't get over more is how stunning you still looked during the whole ordeal," I say kissing her gently.
"You really mean that don't you?" Wanda replies.
"Yeah I do. Honestly Wanda there will never be a moment in our lives where I don't think you're stunning," I assure her. She just smiles blushing.
"I love you Y/N," she whispers
"I love you too."

A few hours later Peter comes out and informs us that it's a boy. We could go in two at a time so Wanda and I went first.
"How are you feeling MJ?" I ask.
"Exhausted but it was so worth it to have a little boy," MJ says tiredly.
"This is Anthony," Peter says handing Wanda the baby. He was beautiful. Wanda looked up at me and just smiled. I couldn't wait to have another baby around.
"He's got your eyes Peter," I whisper admiring the little boy.
"You think so?" He asks excitedly.
"Yeah I do. You're going to be a great dad Peter," I assure him. He just smiles as Wanda hands him back the baby.

Wanda drives us home in the car I brought with me as she got a lift with Monica and Sam. The kids were outside playing with Luna when we get back.
"Hey kids. I hope you behaved for Bruce," I say.
"They were great as usual. How are they?" Bruce asks.
"Great. The baby is called Anthony," Wanda informs him. He smiles but you could see the sadness in his eyes. Tony and him were close from what Wanda had told me. I thank him for watching the kids and head upstairs to take a shower. That hospital smell was awful and I couldn't wait to get rid of it.

When I finish in the shower I get dressed into comfortable clothes and lay down on the bed. Wanda walks in and I open my arms widely for her to cuddle into me. She jumps on the bed smiling before resting her head on my chest.
"I hated waking up without you this morning," Wanda says kissing me gently.
"I'm sorry. I was in such a rush and Peter was panicking," I apologise.
"Hey it's ok. I just don't ever want to do it again," she assures me.
"You won't my love. Do you want to put something on tv?" I ask.
"No I just want you to hold me and take a nap," Wanda whispers sleepily.

We wake up a few hours later and head downstairs to check on the kids. Pietro was in his games room and Nat was in the studio with Maria she'd been spending a lot of time in there.
"Hey Maria. Would you like to stay for dinner?" I offer.
"Yes please Mrs Maximoff," she replied gratefully.
"We're not in school please call me Y/N. Mrs Maximoff makes me sound old. And before you say I am Nat. I'm not that old," I say laughing.
"Ok thank you Y/N," she agrees. I go into the kitchen where Wanda has already made a start on dinner.
"So is she staying for dinner?" Wanda asks.
"Of course she is. You know they're joined at the hip now," I laugh.
"Nat's happy that's all that matter," she replies. I wrap my arms around her waist from behind moving her hair to the side kissing her neck gently. Wanda bites her lip stifling a moan.
"You're mean," she says annoyed.
"You love me. I'm going to annoy Pietro now," I laugh leaving. Wanda grabs my hand pulling me around biting my bottom lip earning a moan before kissing me passionately. After a minute Wanda pushes me away.
"Two can play at that game," she says winking. I blush and go to the games room.

We have dinner and Nat decides it's a good idea to play board games, not in this family Pietro and I were way too competitive. Maria picks Monopoly this was not going to end well. Wanda was banker as she was the fairest and least competitive. I managed to get houses on one set much to Pietro's annoyance. There was one go he had to pay me $2,000. Wanda went bankrupt first, then Nat as she was being too nice to Maria, then Pietro was bankrupt so it was just Maria and I left. I was intrigued how she was going to play this would she let me win cause I'm Nat's mom or want to beat me.
*Be nice* Wanda requests in her thoughts.
*Im an absolute delight* I reply smirking. It became really quiet and everyone was so intrigued by who was going to win. You could see Maria really wanted to win for Nat. So I made some subtly poor investments and soon enough I was bankrupt. Maria and Nat celebrated cheering loudly. I shook her hand.
"I'm impressed. Just keep making her happy ok?" I request.
"I will do."

The kids went to bed and Maria went home. I got ready for bed and lay down.
"You let her win," Wanda says closing the door.
"What? No I didn't. I just lost," I play dumb.
"Babe you're a terrible liar as you just don't ever lie to me. Why did you let her win?" She asks wrapping her arms around my shoulders.
"She wanted to win to impress Nat why would I stop them both being happy?" I reply kissing her gently.
"You're a great mom do you know that?" She says smiling.
"If I'm even half the mom you are then I'm happy," I assure her.
"You're so smooth." I wink at her as she pushes me back onto the bed straddling me.
"You know you teasing me earlier wasn't fair," she says pinning my arms above my head with her powers.
"And what are you doing to do about it Wanda?" I challenge her.
"You'll see," she whispers inches away from my lips I try to connect them but I'm pulled back by her powers. She starts kissing down my neck slowly torturously so. Wanda uses her powers to take my shirt off continuing to kiss down my chest.
"Babe please," I beg.
"You're going to know what teasing really is," she smirks.

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