Chapter 8

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Wanda's POV:
Today's our anniversary and finally time for Y/N's main surprise. I get up early to organise the day. While I get everything sorted I make sure to give
Y/N a very nice dream so she won't want to wake up for a while. I lay the kids shirts out in their room and Y/N and mine's in ours. Also leaving a ticket on each of our shirts to today's match and the stadium tour beforehand. I get back into bed to see Y/N smirking in her sleep hearing her quietly moan my name was hot as hell. This was the only time during the holiday I wish the kids weren't here. I guess that will have to wait until we get home. To wake her up I give her a kiss and stroke her hair. She starts to open her eyes smiling sweetly at me.
"Someone was enjoying their dream," I tease her.
"If the kids weren't in the next room it wouldn't be just a dream," she mutters sleepily. I give her a passionate kiss.
"This is just torture now Wanda," she moans.
"I actually have a surprise for you and the kids so I need you to stop acting like a horny teenager and get up," I whisper in her ear sending chills down her spine. Reluctantly she gets up taking my hand as we walk over to the chair.
"Are these real?" She asks excitedly. I nod and she kisses me smiling excitedly.
"What did I ever do to deserve you Wanda? I'm the luckiest woman alive," she declares loudly.
"Well I'm going to lock our adjoining doors and get in the shower maybe you'll be even luckier," I tease her locking the door before taking off my clothes walking towards the bathroom. She quickly follows me into the bathroom locking that door just in case too.

Y/N's POV:
After a long steamy shower we get ready in our jerseys and head down for breakfast with the kids. We were all so excited for the game and the tour. I just couldn't believe how much effort Wanda had gone to. She made me feel so special. We get the tube to the stadium. You could already feel the match day atmosphere. Wanda made sure we got to the tour early so that we could have a look round the shop as it would be busy afterwards. I see a couple of SnapBacks that I like the look of so I get them. Nat decides to get a teddy bear for Maria. I buy Wanda a hoody she liked the look of. Honestly I think it was more for me because seeing her in my teams merchandise was such a turn on. Pietro wants another football to add to the billions he already has back home.

Walking through the tour I was in absolute awe. It was really overwhelming. I actually couldn't quite believe it. Seeing the history and the trophies and all the stuff behind the scenes was phenomenal. I liked that they included their women's team too as lots of clubs never really bothered but I was glad to support one rich with women's football history. When I walked out pitch side for the first time I became really emotional. This club meant so much to me and to finally be here at the stadium experiencing it with my family was incredible. We made sure to take lots of photos as a family. It just made me even more excited for the match. The tour finished in the shop which was good for us to know our bearings. Outside the stadium was a lot busier and you really got that match day feeling. It was just a sea of the club colours.

The Steward directed us to the correct turnstile and we headed inside. We grabbed some food and drinks as well as a programme to commemorate the day not that we'd forget it anytime soon. When we take our seats I just couldn't cope I was ecstatic. Seeing the players come out to warm up was crazy it's so different to watching it on a screen. You really feel a part of it. I could feel Wanda smiling at me taking it all in. She left a kiss on my cheek making me blush a little. When the match started and the chanting did too I was in my element. Pietro and I joined in while Wanda and Nat looked at us sideways.

The feeling when we scored I can't quite describe it. It was as if the crowd was moving in slow motion before the cheers erupted around the ground. Even Nat and Wanda celebrated. It was just as satisfying when the second and third goals went in. By the end of the match we had all pretty much lost our voices from cheering and chanting. It was just the perfect day.

We go back to our hotel to drop our stuff off before making the most of our last night in the city. We were flying back early in the morning to make sure the kids were ready for School and not too tired. I was just so elated. We chatted excitedly through dinner. It was such a wonderful experience. Wanda and I wanted to make sure our kids had loving and happy memories of growing up this was one of many we had created as a family. After we finish our meal we go for one final walk round London making sure the kids had got the souvenirs they wanted for their friends. We made sure to get a couple of things for Bruce, Bucky, Sam and Monica for covering for us. There wasn't a bittersweet ending to the evening as we headed back to the hotel but a real sense of contentment and happiness.

Wanda and I get into bed and I cannot stop smiling. It actually got to the point that my face started to hurt. Cuddling up to Wanda in the evening made the entire day so much more special.
"What was your favourite part of today?" Wanda asks looking up at me.
"All of it Wanda. You make me feel so special. Even being able to hold you in my arms is just such a privilege. I love you so much Wanda," I explain.
"I love you too baby," she replies kissing me softly. We drift off to sleep in each other's arms,

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