Chapter 28

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Wanda's POV:
I woke up this morning still exhausted but I'd promised Nat I'd wake her up early so she could call Maria. Y/N was fast asleep on my chest. Everytime I tried to move she cuddled in tighter. I would usually find this adorable but I didn't want an angry stroppy teenager on holiday because I didn't wake her up to talk to her girlfriend. I hug her in my powers gently making them feel as though she was asleep on me just while I went to wake Nat. Quietly I went into Nat's room she was already awake and on her phone. She smiled at me and I left her to it. When I went back to my room Y/N was awake confused I released my powers.
"What the hell?" She asks.
"Sorry I didn't want to wake you and you were so comfortable but I had to wake Nat. I didn't think you'd notice the difference," I explain climbing back into bed with her.
"Of course I noticed don't you think I know every inch and shape of your body by now Wanda," she smirks as she traces her hands up and down my sides under my shirt. I pull her in for a kiss. She looks at me for a second.
"You're tired aren't you?" Y/N asks. I nod. She opens her arms for me to lay on her chest snuggling into her.
"We've got a couple of hours before we need to be up get some sleep," she whispers kissing the top of my head.
"I love you," I mumble sleepily as I drift back off to sleep.

After breakfast we head back upstairs for half an hour to grab what we needed. We walked over to the instructor. Instantly she starts touching Y/N's arm being overly friendly. Y/N was oblivious as usual just really excited to be going surfing. It's not even like the girl was ugly she was beautiful had that whole dirty blonde hair surfer thing going for her. We got into our wetsuits and I caught the woman staring at Y/N again admiring her. I was getting more and more annoyed. We followed the woman into the water with our boards as she knew we had an idea what we were doing. Before we got there I grabbed Y/N's hand pulling her around into a kiss.
"What was that for?" She asks confused.
"You're mine. And I don't like how that woman is looking at you," I explain.
"She's not my type. See I have a thing for this jealous hot Sokovian woman with fiery red hair," she smirks before kissing me once more. She takes my hand kisses it and leads us both into the sea. The woman looked disappointed clearly hearing and seeing that whole thing.

Y/N and Pietro were phenomenal surfers they were like peas in a pod. It was funny how competitive they got while Nat and I just sat on our boards laughing at their immaturity. Our instructor was still eyeing up Y/N but I didn't want to cause a scene while our lesson was still happening.
"Babe did you see that?" Y/N asked excitedly.
"It was brilliant. I forgot how great you are at this," I assure her.
"Will you try the next one with me?" She says with puppy dog eyes.
"Ok let's go," I agree. I follow her out a bit to catch the next wave. To be fair I impressed myself I did really well.
"Well our time is up unfortunately," the instructor says leading us back to shore. Again as Y/N took her wetsuit off she smirked the entire time ok now I was angry. We handed our boards and wetsuits back to the woman.
"Thank you," Y/N says handing her the last bit of equipment.
"You're welcome. You know if you ever want to do a one on one lesson I'd be only to happy to take you out on the water again, free of charge," she offers touching Y/N's arm.
"I'm good thanks. If I'm going out on the water with anyone it'll be my wife," she replies wrapping her arm around my waist. The girl rolled her eyes and went to put her equipment away.
"Thank you," I whisper.
"You have no need to thank me. I promised to make you feel secure in our vows I'm not breaking that. No woman on this planet or the next will every come close to you Wanda," she assures me kissing me passionately.
"Gross," Pietro mumbles in disgust.
"Say that again and you'll be paying for your own lunch and dinner," Y/N warns him.
"Sorry," he says reluctantly.

We get back to the hotel and shower getting ready for the afternoon/evening. I took a second to admire how good Y/N looked in her outfit.
"Wanda if you stare anymore you're going to burn a hole in my ass," Y/N giggle turning around.
"I'm sorry you just look so good. I don't know if I want to go and get food anymore. I'd much rather stay here with you," I smirk raising an eyebrow.
"I tell you what the sooner we leave the faster we can get back and you can take this outfit off me. How does that sound?" She offers.
"Let's go," I say dragging her into the kids room causing her to giggle.

We find a shop and grab a snack to keep us going until dinner. The kids see a shopping centre and beg to go into it. Y/N and I agree anything to get out of the heat. As soon as Pietro and Y/N see the sports store they speed off heading straight for it.
"I'm starting to think I'm more of an adult than Mom," Nat laughs.
"You're not wrong. Come on we better stop them from buying up the whole store," I say hurrying her into the shop. Y/N picks up an Aussie rules jersey.
"Babe this is the team we're going to see play next week. Should we get it?" She asks.
"So you're pretending to ask me when I know that Pietro is already in the dressing room trying his on," I laugh. She scratches the back of her neck.
"I mean you know that kid he's out of control," she deflects.
"Go and try yours on," I say rolling my eyes.
"Thank you. I love you," she states kissing me quickly grabbing the jersey and running off before I have a chance to change my mind.

She walks out with her jersey on and damn she looked good. It was similar to a basketball jersey which really showed of her arms. I bit my lip and smiled.
"How does it look?" She asks. I step closer touching her arms.
"It'd look a lot better on our bedroom floor," I whisper kissing her on the cheek. She stood there blushing for a second.
"D... Do you want one?" She asks flustered.
"I think I'll get Nat and I T-shirts our arms don't look like they were sculpted by Gods," I smirk.
"Babe you need to stop or I'll be taking you back to our hotel room right now," she warns.
"I'd have no complaints," I say taking the shirts for Nat and I to the dressing rooms.

We find a relaxed restaurant with an outdoor seating area near the beach for dinner.
"You two do realise we have limited space in our suitcases," I sigh at my son and wife.
"Yeah that's why I made sure all my clothes fit into Pietro's suitcase for the way back so we have mine for all the things we buy for the way back," she jokes.
"It's like being married to an 18 year old," I say rolling my eyes making everyone laugh.

We head back to the hotel for a drink before bed when the waiter walks over to us.
"Just thought I let you know there's karaoke going on in function room 1 open to all our guests if you're interested," the waiter says leaving a list of all their events on the table.
"Thank you," I say before he leaves.
"Mom you should sing," Pietro says to Y/N.
"You should babe," I assure her.

We head to the function room and it's pretty busy.
"I'll go and get us some drinks," I say once we find a table. The bar was pretty busy so it took me a while to get served. The barman was smiling at me creepily.
"If I'd have known you were waiting I would've come straight over," he smirks. Ew.
"Can I get two glasses of white wine and two cokes please," I request ignoring him.
"Anything for you beautiful," he says winking. I'm going to be sick. He makes the drinks smiling at me the whole time.
"How much?" I ask.
"Nothing if you give me your number and meet me for a drink afterwards," he smirks again.
"I'm married. How much?" I inquire annoyed.
"Where's your husband? I don't see him. He doesn't have to know," he states biting his lip. I feel a hand wrap around my waist he's screwed now.
"Her wife is right here. You flirt with her again and you won't be able to walk ever. Now listen here you abidas Zac Efron how much are the drinks?" Y/N asks glaring at him. He swallows afraid.
"Nothing I'm sorry," he apologises moving away to serve someone else.
"Thank you for helping me," I say kissing Y/N.
"You're welcome. I could hear your thoughts and thought I better come and save you," she explains as we take our drinks over to the table.

Y/N gets up and sings absolutely nailing it then we head to bed. By the time Y/N gets back from checking on the kids I'm waiting for her in just a T-shirt. As soon as she shuts the door I lock it soundproofing the room. She walks over to me with a jealous look in her eye, I loved this side to her.
"You know I hate it when people flirt with you," she says annoyed taking her shirt off.
"Really?" I ask biting my lip. She lifts me up kissing me intensely before lying me on the bed. I slip her outfit off admiring her body before Y/N pulls off my shirt and uses her powers to pin my arms above my head. She starts kissing my neck leaving small bites all over marking my skin. I couldn't help but moan loudly with every kiss. She moves back up to my lips kissing me craving deepening it with every movement. She pulls away and just looks at me.
"I'm yours Y/N. All yours," I assure her.

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