Chapter 7

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Wanda's POV:
It's been 2 weeks since the party and everything is going pretty smoothly with the school. We get the odd broken window or wall from training but nothing we can't handle. Nat and Maria had been pretty inseparable same with Pietro and Joseph. Bucky still struggled to look at Joseph and train him. I could see why there was such a Steve air about him. It was nice getting to spend time as a family again when the kids were at regular school we hardly got any time together. Y/N and I got a lot of quality time together too. Trying to keep her anniversary surprise from her was hard. I had banned her from reading my mind and it was killing her. Especially when it came to our handling of the kids.

It was finally approaching our anniversary and I had just told Y/N to pack for a weekend away for us and the kids. I didn't tell the twins either cause they have the biggest mouths. The others were going to cover our classes on Friday so as soon as school finished on Thursday we head straight to the house to pick up our bags and jump on the jet.
"Ok babe if I'm flying the jet you've at least got to tell me where I'm taking us," she begs me.
"Follow the navigator you don't need to know yet," I instruct her giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. Nat and Pietro weren't too happy about being dragged away from their friends but I think they were going to enjoy it.

We approach our destination and Y/N's face lights up.
"Are you serious Wanda?" She asks as we land in London.
"Happy Anniversary my love," I say kissing her sweetly. The kids seemed really excited now. It's 9pm London time when we check in but the kids and Y/N were too excited to sleep. We drop our bags off at the hotel heading straight to Piccadilly Circus to get some dinner. The kids are dying to try Nando's so Y/N and I agree it was very nice actually. I think the kids only wanted to eat there to post on their social media. After we had eaten we walked round the city. The lights were so beautiful. The look on
Y/N's face walking around London as she held my hand made it all worth it. When we get back to the hotel we were all tired so we all went to bed.
"I thought I was the one for big romantic gestures," Y/N says holding me in her arms as we lay in bed.
"You haven't seen anything yet my love," I whisper kissing her.

The next morning we get up early to head into the city to make the most of the day. I had booked us onto an open bus tour in the morning. The kids spent the whole time taking as many photos as possible. I enjoyed watching Y/N's reaction to all the buildings and the London skyline.
"You're staring Maximoff," she says smiling at me.
"It's not my fault my wife is beautiful," I reply. She gives me a kiss before taking it all in again. We were all so content as we sat down for lunch in a pub. The kids were showing us the photos they took and spoke excitedly about what they wanted to do this afternoon. Y/N started to get a little bit emotional.
"You ok babe?" I ask her.
"I'm just so happy. Last time I was here was with my biological parents. They fought the whole time and it was just awful. You compare that to where I am now with my beautiful wife and kids who are all so happy. It means a lot that's all," she explains tearfully. The kids give her a hug as I hold her hand. I can see why British people love the pub so much. The atmosphere is wonderful and the food is excellent.

The kids decide on the London Eye for our destination after lunch. I wasn't the biggest fan of heights when I wasn't using my powers so Y/N sat down with and held me the whole way round. We stood up for the photo in the capsule.
"I've got something to take your mind off it," she says to me. Y/N pulls a Pandora box out of her bag.
I open it and there's a beautiful bracelet inside with a knotted heart charm; my beautiful wife charm; a forever and always charm. I start to tear up.
"I love you so much Wanda Maximoff. Happy Anniversary," she says kissing me softly. I bring her in for a hug before she helps me put the bracelet on.
"You'll have to wait for tomorrow for your surprise," I inform her.
"You don't have to get me anything Wanda being here with our family is present enough. I know our anniversary is tomorrow I just wanted to make you feel better. I promised you I'd always make you feel safe," she explains.
"Thank you Y/N for always keeping your promises and for being a great mom to our kids."
"Thank you for giving me the life I always dreamed of," she whispers kissing me. Y/N holds me the whole way until we get off the capsule.

The kids and Y/N are big Harry Potter fans so I made sure to prebook us tickets and read all of the books before we came here. They all looked confused when we got the train away from the centre of London until the announcer said please disembark for the Harry Potter studio tour. They all attack me with a hug. We get on the bus to the studios and they're all so excited. Honestly I was excited too.
"Thank you for doing this for us," Y/N turns to me.
"Actually I read the books in secret when you were building the school so it's for me too. I've had this planned for about 5 months now," I explain.
"God I love you Wanda," she says wholeheartedly.
"After all this time?"

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