Chapter 33

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Y/N's POV:
Today was the twins birthday they were turning 15. Wanda and I knowing how excited they get for their birthday's got up and dressed early to make sure they didn't walk in on us doing something that would ruin not only their birthday but childhoods.
We set up their presents downstairs a pile on each sofa one for Nat to sit on and one for Pietro. Wanda sits on my lap on the final chair with Luna lying at our feet. Having just finished organising everything they tore down the stairs.
"Happy Birthday," We say in unison.
"Thank you," Nat replies giving us both a hug while Pietro goes straight over to the pile shaking the cards to check for money. We all look at him when he finally notices he smiles.
"Oh yeah thanks," he said returning to what he was doing.
"Who raised you cause it sure as hell wasn't us?" Wanda asks.
"Sorry," he apologises swiftly. Nat on the other hand says thank you after every single present. When she gets to her final one she starts to get emotional.
"Are you serious?" She asks. We nod smiling at her gratefulness for the WNBA tickets we got her.
"Well there's 4 season tickets one for you one for Maria and then another two to accompany you so Sam, Monica and us will take it in turns or sometimes Carol and Valkyrie can take you or Bucky or whoever," I explain. She hugs us both tightly.
"Thank you so much," she says excitedly. We liked to give the kids one surprise every year that they would love but would never ask for. Pietro gets to his final present we were hoping he'd like it as much as Nat liked hers. He opens it and it's a key.
"What is this?" He asks confused.
"Follow us," we say leading him down the hall and point to a new door.
"When did this get here?" He asks confused putting the key in the lock. Opening the door his jaw drops when he goes inside.
"This is mine?" He says excitedly.
"Mainly yeah but don't be surprised if you mom comes in here too," Wanda laughs. The room is basically a gaming room. We got him a big tv a new gaming chair, mouse and keyboard. There's a pool table, a basketball game, a pinball machine and air hockey too.
"Thank you," he says attacking us both in a hug.
"You're welcome."
"Nat we actually have another surprise for you just cause obviously Pietro's was worth a lot more and we want to spend the same amount on both of you," Wanda explains. We walk into the studio and there's now another booth with a mic in it and Nat engraved into it.
"When I heard your voice on holiday I wanted you and Maria to have some space to record if you want to or just sing and have fun," I say to Nat. She hugs us both tightly.
"Alright you two go and put your stuff away before Jord, Charlie and Gran get here," Wanda instructs.

Wanda's POV:
Y/N's mom looked really well which was a big relief to us all. We sat outside while the kids opened their presents and Y/N got a start on the BBQ. I wrapped my arms around her waist kissing her on the cheek.
"How are you feeling?" I ask.
"It's strange it's going to be a year of firsts isn't it. The kids first and my first birthday without him, Christmas, him not seeing the kids go off to College or saving the world. I'm trying not to think about it so the kids and my mom don't get upset but it's hard," she explains.
"Babe look at me. It's ok to get upset. And if you don't want to talk to them about it talk to me," I assure her.
"Thank you I love you," she says smiling sadly.
"I love you too. Now I'm going to find the others and tell them food is nearly ready," I inform her kissing her gently.

Everyone starts sitting down around the table as the food is ready. I put the plates of salad and snacks out on the table to go with the BBQ stuff. Luna is sat by Bucky she's become a great companion for him. Y/N had done a fantastic job as always. When she sits down to have her own food I make sure to have a fruity cider waiting for her.
"Thanks babe," she says kissing me on the cheek.
"Mom can I show Bucky and Sam my new gaming room?" Pietro asks me. I nod smiling and he heads inside with them.
"Whatever you said to him on holiday worked. You know you're a wonderful mother but you're an even better wife," I inform Y/N who just winks at me as she finishes the food in her mouth making me laugh. We spend the day laughing and talking celebrating the kids birthday.
"Y/N are the women hot who play basketball that's the only way I'm taking them?" Carol asks earning a slapped arm from Valkyrie.
"I'm not going to answer that or the same will happen to me," She says laughing.
"They are actually," I inform her causing Y/N to choke on her drink and look at me confused.
"Alright I'm in," Carol agrees.
"The last time we went to basketball you got annoyed at women flirting with me. I didn't even know you were watching the game well I guess you weren't you were watching the women," Y/N says puzzled.
"Are you jealous Y/N?" I ask.
"No what are you talking about? I don't get jealous," she laughs getting up from the table. She heads inside to get the cake for the kids and I follow. I wrap my arms around her waist from behind.
"Babe we both know you get jealous. I have the memories and I know you do too. I'm not complaining though it brought out some of your finest work," I whisper before kissing her.
"I... uh should take the cake out can you get me the lighter please?" She asks stuttering.
"Of course my love," I say winking. She lights the candles and I take out Pietro's birthday cake and she takes out Nat's. Everyone sings Happy Birthday the kids use a plate to create a breeze to blow them out.

The kids have a great day and that's all that matters. Y/N's mom seemed to enjoy it too which made it even better. Everyone starts to get tired so head home while Y/N and I clear up. Y/N hugs her mom goodbye tightly. She always worried every time she left. Once we've finished tidying up we head inside and up to bed after a long day. As we're getting ready for bed Y/N sits on the edge of the bed and just starts crying. I knew this was coming so I sit behind her holding her tightly while she allows herself to feel everything she'd been bottling up.
"I'm sorry," she mumbles trying to compose herself.
"Hey stop. Never apologise to me for letting your emotions out. It was bound to happen ok. I'm actually glad you cried I was worried about you internalising it all," I assure her. Shuffling backwards on the bed I open my arms widely so she can cuddle into my chest and I can hold her. I kiss the top of her head stroking her hair as she calms down.
"Thank you," she whispers feeling much better you could see it in her eyes.
"You're welcome. Are you feeling better? Or should I go and get us some ice cream out of the freezer?" I suggest smiling.
"I'm feeling better but I wouldn't say no to ice cream," she says smiling. I kiss her gently and get up to get it.

When I come back she's sat up scribbling in her lyric notebook. As she sees me she smiles brightly. I love her so much. Sitting down on the bed next to her I hand her the ice cream and she gives me a kiss on the cheek.
"Should we catch up with your show you must've missed loads of episodes while you were gone?" She asks. I look at her and smile she was not a fan of the show but she'd always watch it with me because she knew I loved it.
"This show would be so much better if that lesbian couple came back," she adds halfway through the show.
"Wait you actually pay attention?" I ask confused.
"Of course I do. You love it so I want you to be able to talk to me about it if you want to," she explains. I turn the tv off and kiss her.
"What was that for?" She asks smiling.
"Because I love you," I say kissing her again she deepens the kiss biting my bottom lip making me moan.
"Are you sure?" I ask her pulling away for a second.
"Oh babe I'm more than sure," she says straddling me before reconnecting our lips.

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